
Measure the complexity introduced due to the following factors: a. Size b. Type and the nesting level of control structures c. Inheritance d. Recursion

Primary LanguageJava


For this program, we have created a web application. For this purpose, we have chosen to build this application in Java, Servlet, JSP and Materialize CSS. Due to its versatility in file reading, we choose Java and choose JSP and Materialize CSS with Google fonts to model our software. It is comparatively easy to create simple interfaces using JSP and Materialize CSS than to model the website manually.NetBeans is the IDE we have selected. Netbeans has a multi-language editor, debugger, profiler, control of versions, and collaboration with developers. And it offers parallel support for the GlasshFish server. We use commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar, org.apache.commons.io.jar (ref[1],[2]) to upload a file from local storage as an external library. GlashFish server should be running on the background to run our program. Otherwise, it won't start the application. The application can be run on a browser and asking for the location of the file will show the main UI. As a string output, the device takes the file location and the Java buffer reader reads the file line by line. The length of each row is determined simultaneously under the four factors. The tool's key four variables are known to be four major classes.

Based on the requirements we implemented complexity measuring tool mainly focusing on four factors. 1.Size 2.Type and the nesting level of control structures 3.Inheritance 4.Recursion

Our system has four main packages of three packages containing java codes to calculate the complexity of a program statement due to type of control structures(CTC), due to nesting of control structures(CNC), due to inheritance(CI), due to size(CS), and another package contains segment of file uploader. There are two classes to measure the CS. Measuring_Complexity_Size.java and Main.java in measuring_complexity_size package. To calculate the CNC, CTC there are two classes namely CNC.java and CTC.java in Fasrin_CTCandCNC. To calculate CI there are two classes Inheritance.java, MainInheri.java in inheritance package.

References [1] commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload/1.3.1 [2] org.apache.commons.io.jar https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/commons-io/commons-io/2.4

Main UI