A demo for accepting or rejecting a call in android.
The core function is in IncomingPresenter.java , named acceptCall() and rejectCall() .
PhoneListener is a BroadcastReceiver Listening to the call and starting the IncomingCallActivity.
If this demo can not work in your phone, please :
- make sure it has get the full permissions ;
- increase the sleep time in PhoneListener.
- If it still does not work , please report a issue.
If you use the same code in a service such as automatic answering , acceptCall() may not work , but you may do as follows:
- start a empty small(1px*1px) activity with no content in it;
- call the acceptCall() after this activity started;
- finish this activity when phone state changes.
Get some introduction from Android通过程序接听或者挂断电话.