Pinned issues
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- 4
[BUG] Required dependency `typing_inspect`?
#318 opened by kevinhikaruevans - 1
[QUESTION] Package/version confusion
#317 opened by kevinhikaruevans - 1
[BUG] Install Documentation out of Date
#325 opened by S010MON - 2
How use exclude In fastapi-utils?
#330 opened by ciaoyizhen - 1
[BUG] Note to the installation guide
#340 opened by ArtyomIvlev - 1
[BUG] old_first_parameter = old_parameters[0] IndexError: list index out of range
#337 opened by david-a-rivera - 1
- 2
- 12
[BUG] @repeat_every() does not run without @app.on_event('startup') decorator
#256 opened by caseyjohnsonwv - 20
- 0
[BUG] README installation steps are pointing to `fastapi-restful`, not `fastapi-utils`
#306 opened by IgnacioHeredia - 2
- 1
- 1
question about race condition
#255 opened by rmGFW - 4
[FEATURE] Make sqlalchemy an optional dependency
#228 opened by johnthagen - 1
Pydantic 2 support - is_classvar
#283 opened by ashupednekar - 1
Upgrade SQLAlchemy
#290 opened by zekrismh - 1
[BUG] SQLAlchemy is broken in Poetry
#282 opened by jotradovec - 5
[FEATURE] Support Pydantic 2.0
#276 opened by wintonzheng - 5
Support to SqlAlchemy 2.0
#270 opened by rafa761 - 0
[Announcement] Version 1.0
#292 opened by yuval9313 - 2
[QUESTION]Is this project still maintained?
#273 opened by whitewhite944 - 4
[QUESTION]Is this project still maintained?
#274 opened by whitewhite944 - 8
[UPDATE] Is this project still supported?
#250 opened by johnthagen - 1
[FEATURE] Async FastAPISessionMaker
#287 opened by ct-jby - 8
- 0
[QUESTION] make repeat_tasks execute on a single worker (in case of multiple workers)
#286 opened by TheCodeYoda - 1
- 0
[QUESTION] How to enable `CORS` for all the paths using cbv inferring routers
#281 opened by xalien10 - 1
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[BUG]match to wrong router method if prefix is same
#280 opened by fishjam - 1
[BUG] cbv and path params create strange behaviour
#264 opened by kickIDnoah - 7
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[QUESTION] What `Wall` means?
#263 opened by FilipeMarch - 0
#262 opened by nikhilnimbalkar1 - 1
[QUESTION] There's a way to add a custom decorator to a class-based view?
#261 opened by JesusFragoso - 4
- 2
How get application state in periodic task?
#259 opened by Korolev-Oleg - 0
[QUESTION] subrouting with cbv
#258 opened by vortex14 - 5
[BUG] repeat_every runs 4x per minute when specified to repeat every 60sec
#257 opened by thomashrabe - 0
how can i specify sqlalchemy engine pool size
#254 opened by rmGFW - 0
- 0
#244 opened by keyouth0 - 0
[FEATURE] Run repeated tasks until stopping condition.
#240 opened by DhanshreeA - 0
- 4
Add a decorator like @repeat_at?
#184 opened by triptec - 3
- 0
[BUG] Inferring route throws exception when return typehint is set to None.
#172 opened by synchronizing