Tika wrapper

Based on Java function from AWS Lambda Developer Guide (https://github.com/awsdocs/aws-lambda-developer-guide).

This is a Java wrapper around Apache Tika.

An alternative to this is to use the Python Tika bindings, but for deployment it is more convenient and cost-effective to have Python and Java in separate Lambda functions.

Basic function with minimal dependencies (Java)


The project source includes function code and supporting resources:

  • src/main - A Java function.
  • src/test - A unit test and helper classes.
  • template.yml - An AWS CloudFormation template that creates an application.
  • build.gradle - A Gradle build file.
  • pom.xml - A Maven build file.
  • 1-create-bucket.sh, 2-deploy.sh, etc. - Shell scripts that use the AWS CLI to deploy and manage the application.


If you use the AWS CLI v2, add the following to your configuration file (~/.aws/config):


This setting enables the AWS CLI v2 to load JSON events from a file, matching the v1 behavior.


Download or clone this repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/awsdocs/aws-lambda-developer-guide.git
$ cd aws-lambda-developer-guide/sample-apps/java-basic

To create a new bucket for deployment artifacts, run 1-create-bucket.sh.

java-basic$ ./1-create-bucket.sh
make_bucket: lambda-artifacts-a5e4xmplb5b22e0d


To deploy the application, run 2-deploy.sh.

java-basic$ ./2-deploy.sh
Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file out.yml.
Waiting for changeset to be created..
Successfully created/updated stack - java-basic

This script uses AWS CloudFormation to deploy the Lambda functions and an IAM role. If the AWS CloudFormation stack that contains the resources already exists, the script updates it with any changes to the template or function code.

You can also build the application with Maven. To use maven, add mvn to the command.

java-basic$ ./2-deploy.sh mvn
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----------------------< com.example:java-basic >-----------------------
[INFO] Building java-basic-function 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------


To invoke the function, run 3-invoke.sh.

java-basic$ ./3-invoke.sh
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
"200 OK"

Let the script invoke the function a few times and then press CRTL+C to exit.

The application uses AWS X-Ray to trace requests. Open the X-Ray console to view the service map.

Service Map

Choose a node in the main function graph. Then choose View traces to see a list of traces. Choose any trace to view a timeline that breaks down the work done by the function.


Configure Handler Class

By default, the function uses a handler class named HandlerString that takes a map as input and returns a map.

  • Handler.java – Takes a Map<String,String> as input.
  • HandlerInteger.java – Takes an Integer as input.
  • HandlerList.java – Takes a List<Integer> as input.
  • HandlerDivide.java – Takes a List<Integer> with two integers as input.
  • HandlerStream.java – Takes an InputStream and OutputStream as input.
  • HandlerString.java – Takes a String as input.
  • HandlerWeatherData.java – Takes a custom type as input.

To use a different handler, change the value of the Handler setting in the application template (template.yml or template-mvn.yaml). For example, to use the list handler:

  CodeUri: build/distributions/java-basic.zip
  Handler: example.HandlerList

Deploy the change, and then use the invoke script to test the new configuration. For handlers, that don't take a JSON object as input, pass the type (string, int, list, or divide) as an argument to the invoke script.

./3-invoke.sh list
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"


To delete the application, run 4-cleanup.sh.

java-basic$ ./4-cleanup.sh