
Rapidly generate a Fastify project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CI NPM version neostandard javascript style

Rapidly generate a Fastify project


There is no need to install this package directly.

npm init fastify [your_app_name]

The npm init command will find this package automatically and run it.


To integrate Fastify into an existing project:

npm init fastify --integrate

Note that this will overwrite files, so exercise caution.

Files and folders that will be overwritten by integrate mode:

  • .gitignore
  • app.js
  • plugins
  • routes
  • test

The package.json file will not be overwritten but will be modified.

The plugins are loaded with @fastify/autoload with an empty default configuration.


If you feel you can help in any way, be it with examples, extra testing, or new features please open a pull request or open an issue.


Licensed under MIT.