- 1
Please add CHANGELOG
#443 opened by mariusa - 11
support native Node.js Typescript type-stripping
#441 opened by mcollina - 5
- 2
Dependency of plugin not registered when the plugins folder has subfolders structure
#414 opened by mauro-d - 7
autoConfig dependencies not respected
#365 opened by thyming - 3
Each folder needs to have a routes.ts/js file in order for deeper route.ts files to work if there is an autohooks.ts file
#407 opened by AnzeKop - 6
Refactoring the component
#383 opened by jean-michelet - 21
Typescript, Vitetest, and Autoload
#366 opened by Bugs5382 - 8
Cannot detect `@swc-node/register` loaded by `fastify-cli` with the `-r` option
#404 opened by zetaraku - 24
Node 20 auto-loader not able to transpile TS to JS when using ts-node/esm
#309 opened by TomasHubelbauer - 2
Investigate if readFileSync is faster
#385 opened by Uzlopak - 5
Support loading tsx files.
#388 opened by Markyiptw - 4
- 4
- 9
autohooks break prefixOverride
#380 opened by rommelandrea - 4
Not able to have top-level await in a ts ESM file?
#316 opened by stauersbol - 12
- 0
Routes with autohooks are broken in 5.8.1
#374 opened by bcomnes - 3
Achieve 100% test coverage
#369 opened by jean-michelet - 3
#363 opened by tajnymag - 5
fastify-autoload cannot import plugin...To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app.
#226 opened by diego-betto - 52
- 1
ts-node error with plugins using custom instance field via declaration merging
#339 opened by nicolas-goudry - 4
Cannot find packages imported by autoloaded plugins in Vercel Serverless Function
#265 opened by galiarmero - 1
Cannot use with esm only
#332 opened by Joabesv - 2
- 2
Allow concatenation of child plugin prefixes when encapsulate is set to false
#320 opened by sujeet-agrahari - 7
Params validation
#315 opened by Zack-Heisnberg - 2
Fastify Autoload does not work with Bun.js or deno
#317 opened by notsql - 2
Mock plugins with autoload
#296 opened by clluiz - 2
Autoload cannot read absolute paths from tsconfig throws error - "Error","message":"Cannot find module '@/Model/User/UserVerifyService'
#300 opened by d3tr1tus - 2
- 1
Property '<property>' does not exist on type FastifyInstance when loading TS plugin
#297 opened by irg1008 - 2
- 2
Add matchPattern to load only some specific paths
#287 opened by hugoattal - 5
babel-node + typescript. Error only with autoloads : throw new Error(@fastify/autoload cannot import plugin at '${file}'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app.)
#271 opened by Tumulte - 4
- 2
Dependency from folder?!
#261 opened by yaneony - 1
Unknown file extension ".ts"
#255 opened by JeRabix - 6
prefix trailing slash is not register for both /prefix & /prefix/ when using dirNameRoutePrefix
#223 opened by MomenNano - 0
ChainAlert: npm package release (3.13.0) has no matching tag in this repo
#234 opened by chainalert-bot - 2
- 1
Tests are not completing with Jest + ESM
#225 opened by CyanoFresh - 5
- 3
- 1
Could the file support jsc?
#218 opened by tikkhun - 3
dirNameRoutePrefix causes prefix to appear twice
#201 opened by ferrao - 4
Silent cascading failure when plugin parsing fails
#213 opened by franky47 - 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
#207 opened by the-yadu - 1
How to load a npm plugin?
#193 opened by zero245