
Lack of support with Fastify 4.x

aureliendepeyrelongue opened this issue · 4 comments


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Fastify version


Plugin version


Node.js version


Operating system


Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)

Mac OS Monterey 12.6


I have an error while trying to use fastify cors with Typescript :

"message":"fastify-plugin: fastify-cors - expected '3.x' fastify version, '4.6.0' is installed","stack":"FastifyError: fastify-plugin: fastify-cors - expected '3.x' fastify version, '4.6.0' is installed

Thanks for the help

Steps to Reproduce

Install Fastify 4.x version and last fastify cors version and try to run your server.

Expected Behavior

No response

use "@fastify/cors"

Thanks for your answer, i was already using "@fastify/cors" for the import.

On my server.ts file i have : import fastifyCors from "@fastify/cors";

I found a working solution using the Fastify adapter for Express plugins, and the CORS middleware of Express.

By the way Fastify is a beautiful framework, thanks for your work.


@aureliendepeyrelongue judging by your error, you were importing old dependency, as plugin name was wrong. See:

module.exports = fp(fastifyCors, { fastify: '4.x', name: '@fastify/cors'})

express plugin via adapter will cause extra performance overhead. I strongly recommend you rechecking with proper version and correct import

Thanks for your help it worked i am now on "@fastify/cors": "^8.1.0" and everything is ok.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your reactivity.