- 2
Bearer Token returns undefined
#317 opened by 4e576rt8uh9ij9okp - 0
Support for Fastify 5
#325 opened by a777med - 3
logLevel option not respected
#320 opened by vatosarmat - 3
- 6
CORS Issue with Fastify and Socket.IO Configuration
#303 opened by virangaj - 5
- 2
- 2
Multiple @fastify/cors
#284 opened by hibangun - 8
Support Private Network CORS
#277 opened by danjenkins - 2
Credentials header is added regardless of origin
#297 opened by cjroebuck - 0
Vary with dynamic config
#291 opened by laat - 1
Do not always define `Vary` header
#287 opened by saschanaz - 14
Origin returns undefined
#236 opened by joshmeads - 0
- 1
Options Request Returns 404 running in bun
#279 opened by Chrysochrome - 2
- 6
- 1
cacheControl default value is missing
#255 opened by GHNewbiee - 1
Error(s) in doc.
#253 opened by GHNewbiee - 1
Setting for `Cache-Control` to allow preflight requests to be cached in CDNs
#251 opened by brettwillis - 3
- 1
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: AvvioError: Plugin must be a function or a promise
#240 opened by bacloud23 - 7
Latency when using a large JWT token
#238 opened by anderseklof - 2
Incorrect default import types in ESM
#223 opened by SuperchupuDev - 1
doesnt' work with Typescript
#226 opened by xtianus79 - 4
Typescript Support: Origin is undefined
#154 opened by bkawk - 4
Lack of support with Fastify 4.x
#225 opened by aureliendepeyrelongue - 1
convert fastify-cors to @fastify/cors
#220 opened by MoJassor - 7
FastifyError [Error]: fastify-plugin: fastify-cors - expected '3.x' fastify version, '4.4.0' is installed
#219 opened by coffeebeantraining - 6
Example in read me does not work at all
#215 opened by jacob-orbiit - 3
- 3
asynchronous dynamic cors not even worked!
#137 opened by tngflx - 2
Package renamed without updating readme
#198 opened by AWare - 2
Cannot find version 7.0.0
#197 opened by laurens-mesure - 2
Allow all headers with wildcard
#183 opened by rickerp - 0
ChainAlert: npm package release (6.1.0) has no matching tag in this repo
#196 opened by chainalert-bot - 5
- 2
isRequestOriginAllowed function returning random (invalid) results when Regex is used
#151 opened by Tom-Brouwer - 2
- 8
异步配置cors的 README 示例代码错误,容易误导使用者。
#129 opened by wangjie-mg - 12
Value of CORS header is false
#124 opened by zyrouge - 2
- 1
Configuring CORS Asynchronously
#106 opened by Sikora00 - 5
Preflight 404
#105 opened by garretteklof - 18
- 13
[5.0.0] new version giving preflight errors
#102 opened by DRoet - 3
CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
#97 opened by borodadada - 10
- 4
TypeScript error
#78 opened by karianpour - 5
100% code coverage
#77 opened by mcollina