
I need an example to connect to socket from froentend

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I tried below code to run socket.

const fastify = require('fastify')()

function handle (conn) {
  conn.pipe(conn) // creates an echo server

fastify.register(require('fastify-websocket'), {
  options: { maxPayload: 1048576 }

fastify.get('/', { websocket: true }, (connection, req) => {
  connection.socket.on('message', message => {
    // message === 'hi from client'
    connection.socket.send('hi from server')

fastify.listen(3000, err => {
  if (err) {

And from my, I connected to my socket by using var test = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3000') . How I can trigger / API with my socket connection. Please help me with some examples.

What library or framework do you use in the frontend?

I can give you the example of vue-native-socket

import VueNativeSock from 'vue-native-websocket';

      Vue.use(VueNativeSock, 'ws://localhost:9000/', {
        protocol: tokenData, // optional
        reconnection: true, // (Boolean) whether to reconnect automatically (false)
        reconnectionAttempts: 10, // (Number) number of reconnection attempts before giving up (Infinity),
        reconnectionDelay: 6000 // (Number) how long to initially wait before attempting a new (1000)

and server

fastify.register(require('fastify-websocket'), {
  handle(conn) {
    conn.pipe(conn) // creates an echo server
  options: {
    maxPayload: 1048576,
    verifyClient(info, next) {
      try {
        const token = info.req.headers['sec-websocket-protocol']
        return next(true)
      } catch (err) {
        return next(false)

    method: 'GET',
    url: '/',
    handler: (req, reply) => {
      reply.send({ route: 'OK' })
    wsHandler: (conn, req, params) => {
      conn.on('data', chunk => {
        conn.socket.send("Message OK")

I hope it helps you.

I'm sorry that you need something. However, this is open source and I have no bandwidth to help right now.


You can connect from websockets like these :

// Your front end code
// connect to server
const ws = new WebSocket()

// send to server

// receive messages
ws.on('message', (message) => {

No matter youre on React, Vue, Angular, or SomeWhatNewJSFramework, the API Of websocket is same take a look here

Thank you guys for your valuable comments. I got it.