fastify-express: fastify.use is not a function
vjustov opened this issue · 1 comments
vjustov commented
💬 Question here
We recently migrated from registering everything in a server.js file to separating concerns with plugins. one plugin we are using to register a feature flags proxy.
Getting the following error when trying to use fastify-express as a plugin
TypeError: fastify.use is not a function
import fastifyExpress from "@fastify/express";
import { FastifyPluginAsync } from "fastify";
import { createApp } from "@unleash/proxy";
const featureFlagsProxy: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify) => {
fastify.register(fastifyExpress).after(() => {
const unleashProxy = createApp({
unleashUrl: process.env.UNLEASH_INSTANCE_URL,
unleashApiToken: "NOT_APPLICABLE",
clientKeys: [process.env.UNLEASH_CLIENT_KEY as string],
refreshInterval: 1000,
unleashInstanceId: process.env.UNLEASH_INSTANCE_ID,
unleashAppName: "dev",
PD: The discord invite doesnt seem to be working, says invite invalid.
Your Environment
- node version: v20.11.1
- fastify version: 5.0.0
- os: Mac 14.7
vjustov commented
nvm, leaving a comment for prosperity, the after callback is only for error handling.