- 0
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Help - how does multipart works under the hood
#1070 opened by Rantoledo - 1
Error when running yarn start after yarn build: Named export 'ThemeProvider' not found
#1076 opened by ishchts - 3
deprecated inflight@1.0.6: dependency
#1043 opened by roytar - 1
- 4
v4 -> v5 migration. Is the change of reply payload check somewhere documented?
#1072 opened by globalexport - 2
Studying Fastify Core
#1063 opened by jean-michelet - 8
- 1
Help - how you import / use fastify on Deno
#1071 opened by mrymahmadi - 4
Catch-all route
#1064 opened by zanmato - 1
fastify-express: fastify.use is not a function
#1069 opened by vjustov - 2
How can I report a plugin I developed?
#1068 opened by ExorTek - 1
- 1
Recommended approach to integrate Sentry with Fastify seems to involve jumping though a bunch of unnecessary hoops when using project generated by the CLI
#1066 opened by andokai - 5
Help - Configure setValidatorCompiler in Typescript
#1065 opened by itizarsa - 12
- 3
TypeScript Handler Type Incompatibility with AuthenticatedRequest in Fastify
#1058 opened by kaanoz1 - 3
typescript fastifyPlugin issue when importing and running
#1033 opened by Jzuni97 - 1
How to type Fastify Prehandlers that have been extracted outside of the route?
#1057 opened by lifeiscontent - 3
Default request additional properties vs default response additional properties
#1055 opened by Zeds112 - 2
Why is Fastify generally faster?
#1061 opened by jon9090 - 3
Handling @fastify/type-provider-typebox schema validation errors on the frontend
#1026 opened by satnamDev-Ops - 3
Help - Can you confirm which releases contain the fix for addressing the find-my-way vulnerability CVE-2024-45813?
#1062 opened by cjin62 - 2
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#1059 opened by vinnycosta1998 - 6
Understand how to use Fastify plugin
#1056 opened by SkyTik - 2
Allow ignoring single fields/errors
#1053 opened by Bluscream - 3
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Set a transform function on `fluent-json-schema`
#1050 opened by bacloud22 - 5
JavaScript file executed twice when using `pino/file` transport with `--import` option
#1049 opened by richterich - 8
Ignore null properties in the JSON response
#1047 opened by hershmire - 0
Generic Type Error for FastifyReply and FastifyRequest After Installing fastify-jwt Types
#1048 opened by ejajahmad - 4
body must be type object
#1046 opened by nathan-rogers - 2
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How to test the performance of fast-json-stringify in a Node.js server?
#1044 opened by chenfuqichenfuqi - 4
Serverless docs on Google/Firebase cloud functions seems off
#1042 opened by 0x80 - 7
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Error: Unable to get local issuer certificate when using AWS RDS Proxy with @fastify/mysql
#1041 opened by 21020620 - 1
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swagger with multiple requestBody
#1038 opened by pkpritam3 - 4
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What is throwing this warning ? using latest version of fastify . (node:39638) [FSTDEP016] DeprecationWarning: You are accessing the deprecated "request.routeConfig" property. Use "request.routeOptions.config" instead. Property "req.routeConfig" will be removed in `fastify@5`.
#1037 opened by gowthamVPoojary - 3
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCodeFlow')
#1035 opened by clubside - 0
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export fastify options
#1032 opened by blasdfaa - 3
`middie` vs `fastify-express`
#1031 opened by benmccann - 1
Dependant Schema keyword
#1029 opened by ShaunF253 - 0
Help on @fastify/oauth2: Invalid State
#1028 opened by fberrez - 2
400 Bad Request when content-length is set 0 and body is getting sent in post request
#1025 opened by abhinavgautam07 - 5