- 3
Bug: The root path is spliced repeatedly.
#437 opened by byteslaves - 1
Is the latest version (9.1.0) not published to npm?
#425 opened by yb - 4
Proposal: Remove `send` calls
#412 opened by mweberxyz - 18
`fastify.view` is rendered without `reply.locals`
#394 opened by primeare - 7
edge.js templates
#417 opened by johntom - 3
support for async minify methods
#372 opened by quiquelhappy - 3
Swig support
#396 opened by rtritto - 2
Support absolute paths for `layout` and `partials` properties for Handlebars
#413 opened by ludovicm67 - 4
When `onError` hook is defined, failure to compile template crashes server (ejs)
#404 opened by mweberxyz - 1
- 1
- 7
Like operator not works on return reply.view
#397 opened by bashgaa - 0
Support for view raw text
#390 opened by sirenkovladd - 6
Latest version of Eta no longer works
#385 opened by gurgunday - 2
I am getting the following error after installing and configuring the lib: reply.view is not a function
#381 opened by pablomarttiins - 1
nunjucks custom filter is not working
#380 opened by ashwin31 - 4
- 1
eta v3 integration doesn't work
#373 opened by dnohr - 1
- 8
Typedefs don't support `propertyName`
#301 opened by a-a-GiTHuB-a-a - 1
could you add support of svelte?
#365 opened by superiums - 1
- 1
Allow custom `Content-Type` header for Nunjucks
#353 opened by smigles - 4
Deoptimized access to `reply.locals`
#349 opened by mmarti - 12
Errors in eta template usinc async mode are not catched
#346 opened by cberescu - 0
- 1
- 4
unable to access template "./templates/layout"
#303 opened by xirf - 1
how to use same identifier for different directory paths in ejs with different static assest folder
#334 opened by matt212 - 4
`reply.view` seems doesn't return html
#225 opened by rmlzy - 2
- 0
version issue
#321 opened by Afnanksalal - 2
Dependency version mismatch
#320 opened by andriichern - 2
Fastify 4 compatibility issue
#318 opened by sinasalek - 1
nunjucks Cannot read property 'config' of undefined
#311 opened by johntom - 3
- 3
#310 opened by Galaxy-Coding - 5
- 5
- 0
- 10
- 11
- 1
Need clarification on options for includes for EJS
#280 opened by danielkhan - 2
Allow specifying the layout on render
#276 opened by danielkhan - 1
Restructure and review the docs
#279 opened by danielkhan - 2
- 3
How to use the include directive in the esj file
#256 opened by borodovisin - 3
propertyName for interface
#252 opened by jorgevrgs - 3
Cannot read property 'Symbol(fastify.reply.isRunningOnErrorHook)' of undefined
#243 opened by nagibyro - 6