- 3
- 1
- 2
Xcode 16 report 0% coverage using xcov
#227 opened by rleojoseph - 7
Bad CPU type in executable
#214 opened by g3kk0 - 0
issue when reload same code and get coverage
#226 opened by dan085 - 0
When `minimum_coverage_percentage` set to `100.0` xcov fails even when actual code coverage is `100.00%`
#224 opened by WikipediaBrown - 10
"Error occured while exporting xccovreport from xcresult" when using Xcode 11.7
#187 opened by denysowova - 1
"Error occured while exporting xccovreport from xcresult" when "xcov_report" folder already exists
#222 opened by clemens-unterkofler - 0
`PBXProject` attempted to initialize an object with unknown ISA `XCLocalSwiftPackageReference`
#221 opened by nebsta - 0
Include files (opposite of ignore)
#220 opened by squeaky-nose - 3
- 4
How can we ignore `Swift Package Dependencies`
#210 opened by BeibeiLewis - 4
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 2
Invalid coverage report for SPM with dependencies
#204 opened by pgawlowski - 1
.xcovignore file not working
#216 opened by kumareshsaran - 1
Ignore file not working
#167 opened by michaelyao-eb - 5
Average coverage result calculated by lines
#168 opened by fahmisdk6 - 0
Fix root directory when opening files
#208 opened by michael-simonetta - 0
Modernize HTML templates
#207 opened by wvteijlingen - 1
Could not find option 'xccov_file_direct_path' in the list of available options
#206 opened by karthuszY - 2
[!] Could not find option 'workspace' in the list of available options:
#191 opened by mockaccount-cs - 0
- 1
Parsing Coverage Data for Swift Packages
#201 opened by ravitripathi - 0
- 1
Exclude subset of ignored files in .xcovignore
#194 opened by an-dinh-jp - 0
Reports 0% Code Coverage with Xcode 12.5
#193 opened by SvenMuc - 3
- 14
xcov action fails with error Could not find option 'skip_package_dependencies_resolution' in the list of available options fastlane 2.172.0
#189 opened by AleMaMi - 0
Swift Package Manager Mandatory fields
#190 opened by H2wk - 2
xcov command line output percentage
#162 opened by brandtdaniels - 0
- 1
- 1
Unable to run xcov in fastlane with Xcode 11.3
#183 opened by Jaff - 3
Total coverage calculation method is not correct
#174 opened by imaginaris - 0
Cannot find xccoverage when using xctestplan
#169 opened by chrisballinger - 0
Inconsistent Order with xcov 1.7.0
#166 opened by nevillco - 1
xcov 1.7.0 reports incorrect coverage numbers
#165 opened by colinhumber - 0
- 2
xcov doesn't find my xccovreport file
#149 opened by cmarchal - 11
Xcode 11 issue - Xcov exited with-out reason.
#159 opened by chinnasamymca - 13
- 0
xcov .xcresult file and cobertura xml
#160 opened by cristianbanarescu - 2
xcov should allow passing xcresult path
#156 opened by abotkin-cpi - 3
1.5.1 Release?
#152 opened by chrisballinger - 0
- 6
xcov does not generate any report file
#148 opened by le-cardinal - 0
Fastlane Swift xcov action broken
#147 opened by AhmedEid