
A parameter has an invalid value - 'prices' is not a valid relationship name

sujeetulli opened this issue ยท 12 comments

My build was working perfect, Now suddenly it stopped working and getting the below error message

A parameter has an invalid value - 'prices' is not a valid relationship name

| Plugin | Your Version | Latest Version |
| appcenter | 1.10.0 | 2.1.2 |
[03:47:04]: To update all plugins, just run
[03:47:04]: $ bundle exec fastlane update_plugins

[03:47:04]: fastlane finished with errors

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Getting the same error

Same error here.

@KrauseFx @fastlaneTeam Could please look into this issue

The same error happened to me but running bundle update fastlane seems to have fixed the issue for me

I have resolved this issue, with below steps....

I have done the same thing, but still, you will see some different issues.
I have followed a couple of other steps.

  1. Rename gem. lock to xyz..
  2. bundle install
  3. copy if any dependency from the old gem.lock file to a new gem.lock file (maybe you can compare both file)
  4. Ruby version issue may occur, install the latest ruby and delete or rename old ruby from (Path : /Users/macosuser/.gem/ruby)

After doing these changes then it worked for me.

I am getting the error like this bundler: failed to load command: fastlane (/Users/${user}/.rbenv/versions/2.7.5/bin/fastlane) Spaceship::UnexpectedResponse: [!] A parameter has an invalid value - 'prices' is not a valid relationship name

Does rbenv has anything to do with this? @fastlaneTeam

Definitely related to: #21968

I've had the same problem with fastlane 2.211.0 and Ruby 3.3.0

After issuing a bundle update fastlane, fastlane got updated to 2.220.0 and the issue got solved ๐ŸŽ‰

The same error happened to me but running bundle update fastlane seems to have fixed the issue for me

thanks! its works for me

ruby v3.1.2
fastlane 2.220.0

Hmm, the problem with updating to 2.220.0 for me though is that this issue's fix: #21946 has not been released yet.

So basically using 2.219.0 gives me #21975 but then 2.220.0 gives me #21946 - and both are absolutely blocking my pipelines, so there isn't really a good choice :|

Our deployment pipelines have been blocked for around 2 weeks now (and for the above reasons we cannot work around it by using either version of Fastlane) could we get any updates regarding the ETA? Thanks

There is realistically no ETA as Google stopped maintaining the project, and there are only some maintainers who work on it in their free time.