#Newsquid Test Welcome to the Newsquid applicant test repository. In this repository you will find an assignment folder. In the folder you will find a README.md that describes the task at hand and some code to get you started.

When you have completed the assignment, commit your code locally to this git repository and email an archive file (zip or tar) of the git project to mailto:devs+applicant@newsquid.com

You can use however long (or little) time you wish, we estimate that about an hour should be sufficient.

Before you start, you will need to be able to compile and run Go code on your machine (Don't worry. It's straight forward, and we've included make files). Information regarding Go can be found at the go website.

If you have questions regarding the description (not the assignment itself), you may direct them at mailto:devs+applicant@newsquid.com.

Good luck, have fun.
//The Newsquid Dev Team