
Blogcop is GitHub bot made with Sinatra that helps you manage the outdated articles of your Jekyll blog

Primary LanguageRuby


Blogcop is a simple GitHub bot made with Sinatra that helps you manage the outdated articles of your Jekyll blog.

Check out the article on the OmbuLabs blog for more details.


The bot is available to install on the GitHub Marketplace.



  • Ruby >= 2.2.0

  • Have a GitHub app with these settings:

    • Repository permissions
      • Contents (Read & Write)
      • Issues (Read & Write)
      • Pull requests (Read & Write)
    • Subscribe to events
      • Issues
      • Pull request
      • Push


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone git@github.com:ombulabs/blogcop.git
  2. Go to the new directory and run bundle
  3. Create a copy of the environment variables: cp .env.sample .env
  4. Add your GitHub App's private key, app ID, and webhook secret to the .env file.
  5. Run ruby server.rb


To check blogposts on all installations on demand, run the command ruby check_outdated_posts.rb. This can be triggered with a cronjob.


run ruby tests.rb


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fastruby/blogcop. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

When Submitting a Pull Request:

  • If your PR closes any open GitHub issues, please include Closes #XXXX in your comment

  • Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed or which feature is introduced.

  • If changes to the behavior are made, clearly describe what changes.

  • If changes to the UI are made, please include screenshots of the before and after.


You can contact hello@ombulabs.com if you have any question about this repository.