- 0
- 0
- 6
`str.count("\n")` is 1.3-170 times faster than `str.lines.count` or `str.each_line.count` depending on the string size
#220 opened by ilyazub - 0
Comparison logic vs `between?` vs `include?`
#225 opened by ydakuka - 2
- 4
String concat contains dummy comparision.
#158 opened by alekseyl - 3
`String#match` vs `String#scan`
#185 opened by AlexWayfer - 1
Rerun all examples with lastest Ruby
#171 opened by gogainda - 3
Gemify fast-ruby?
#177 opened by rubyFeedback - 2
Move away from comparative speed method names
#110 opened by nirvdrum - 6
- 0
[CHANGE] Share of results should only happen when running GitHub Actions in the `main` branch
#207 opened by etagwerker - 6
Remove `String#casecmp` part
#123 opened by AlexWayfer - 3
Benchmark with memory allocations
#104 opened by jondot - 3
!false VS false == false
#159 opened by ydakuka - 2
Implement #map#to_h vs #each_with_object
#93 opened by gogainda - 3
- 0
Fast Ruby for hash_update_vs_hash_brackets
#194 opened by manjunath724 - 0
- 1
- 0
instance_variable vs attr-* method
#130 opened by ashmaroli - 1
Refactoring code
#169 opened by dukaev - 6
"case...when" VS hash
#92 opened by douglascamata - 7
Parallel versus sequential assignment is microbenchmark (not representative) and scales with number of inputs
#208 opened by schneems - 10
Array#concat vs Array#+
#165 opened by hvenables - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Run all the benchmarks on CI
#202 opened by arielj - 2
[FEATURE REQUEST] Use the project's WIKI to share results for each Ruby version with latest CI results
#206 opened by arielj - 1
[FEATURE REQUEST] Rename main branch to `main`
#204 opened by arielj - 0
Is this project abandoned?
#199 opened by AlexWayfer - 17
Some benchmarks are measured with wrong approach
#96 opened by radarek - 3
- 0
- 2
- 3
Rubocop says use delete instead of sub
#191 opened by emyatsuna - 0
Separating benchmarks with different complexity and benchmarks with just variants
#190 opened by eregon - 2
Encourage `Hash#compare_by_identity`
#189 opened by marcandre - 5
reverse.detect vs select { ... }.last
#98 opened by nerdrew - 7
Enumerable#sort_by is not always faster than #sort
#120 opened by monfresh - 2
JRuby warmup
#69 opened by rjnienaber - 4
Hash#fetch with second argument is slower than Hash#fetch with block is not FAIR
#117 opened by greyblake - 1
&method(...) section misleading
#70 opened by amencarini - 1
present? VS any? VS empty? VS exists?
#131 opened by ydakuka - 0
- 1
x.between?(a,b) is faster (MRI 2.2.3)
#82 opened by jzakiya - 3
string/concatenation.rb tests are misleading
#64 opened by Aqualon - 2
inspect vs to_json for simple arrays
#99 opened by iggant - 2
"begin...rescue vs respond_to? for Control Flow"
#80 opened by jrunning - 3
Hash fetch with symbols vs strings.
#83 opened by ixti - 2
- 4
enumerable sort vs sort_by
#63 opened by aaronmgdr