Relevant Projects List
The purpose of this repo is to list projects that have been approved by the OSS team for counting towards contribution goals.
If there are any repos you feel should belong here, don't be shy! Send us a message in slack and we'll evaluate wether or not your suggestion can be added.
- Anything under the rails org
- Any one under the ruby org
- kaminari
- nokogiri
- pg
- Any one under the Ruby For Good org
- Any one under the fastruby org (unless explicitely stated otherwise, like points)
- Jekyll
- Any one under the Homebrew org
- devise
- rbenv
- sidekiq
- rubocop
- faker
- factory_bot
- omniauth
- puma
- pry
- paper_trail
- ransack
- graphql-ruby
- rvm
- Anything under the RubyGems org
- simplecov
- byebug
- minitest
- Anything under the RSpec org
- rubycritic
- elasticsearch-rails
- redis-rb
- react-rails
- searchkick
- will_paginate
- pagy
- vue
- react
- bootstrap
- TypeScript
- angular
- express
- lodash
- jest
- berry (yarn)
- ember.js
- eslint
- pnpm
- vscode
- GitHub Desktop
- next.js
- cypress
- webassemblyjs
- browserslist
- firebase-js-sdk
- husky
- lerna
- lint-staged
- moment
- node-fetch
- npm-run-all
- prettier
- rimraf
- sass
- styled-components
- styled-jsx
- swr
- tailwindcss
- ts-node
- webpack
- ws
- babel
- chalk
- cli-table
- core-js
- prop-types
- rollup
- yargs
- DefinitelyTyped
- luxon
- less.js
- nyc
- material-ui
- emotion
- react-testing-library
- chai
- enzyme
- react-router
- formik
- react-hook-form
- xstate
- redux
- react-redux
- node-fs-extra
- jsdom
- karma
- mocha
- serve
- sinon
- stylelint
- stylis
- apollo-client
- axios
- clsx
- graphql-js
- history