
:office: This is an Employee Payroll System, complying with Kenya Tax System built with Django

Primary LanguageCSS

[ Kenya Payroll ]

KenyaPayroll is web systen that helps employers manage employee personal records and Payroll details. KenyaPayroll features include Adding new employees and storing their information. Editing and Deleting Employee information. Creating allowances for employees and editing allowance amount. The system generates Payslip for employees. It also generate Tax reports for KRA, NSSF and NHIF.

Payroll System

The Following are the core features that the KenyaPayroll app will be having.

  1. Login and Admin Authentication

  2. Employee Management.

  3. Allowance Services.

    • Add allowance to system.
    • Add allowance for employee.
    • Cancel allowance.
  4. Generic Services

    • View Benefits — View various benefits available to the user.
    • Generate payroll.
    • Pay Slip download.
  5. Generate Reports

    • KRA p9 form yearly.
    • NSSF report
    • NHIF report


  • Create a folder and put all the files inside it.
  • Create a virtual environtment - virtualenv env
  • Activate VirtualENV - source env/bin/activate
  • Run requirements.txt - pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the Application - python3 manage.py runserver
  • Go to - http://localhost:8000/