this is for the developers

Note Do not push to dev branch

API endpoints

  • For Login

  • For Shops

  • For product-batch

  • For each product-batch

    • it won't work until you switch pk with an integer
    • pk stand for primary key.
  • For Clerk

  • For each Clerk

    • it won't work until you switch pk with an integer
    • pk stand for primary key.
  • For Merchant

  • For each Merchant

    • it won't work until you switch pk with an integer
    • pk stand for primary key.
  • For manager

  • For each manager

    • it won't work until you switch pk with an integer
    • pk stand for primary key.

Runing it on your local server

  • Creating a virtual environment

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
    $ python3 -m venv virtual
  • Activating the virtual environment

    $ . virtual/bin/activate
  • Install all dependencies with the code bellow before you begin

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up a database on Remotely

  • First type psql in your terminal

    $ psql
  • Second in the shell type CREATE DATABASE shop;

    $ psql
    psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-4))
    Type "help" for help.
    david=# CREATE DATABASE shop;
  • Conform you will know if it's successful when you see CREATE DATABASE

    $ psql
    psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-4))
    Type "help" for help.
    david=# CREATE DATABASE shop;

then you

  • Create a file named .env

  • In that file type the code below:

    source virtual/bin/activate
    export DB_NAME='shop'
    export DB_USER='username of your database'
    export DB_PASSWORD='password of your database'
    export SECRET_KEY='< your secert key >'
    export DEBUG=True
  • Then you go to your terminal and type this to run this application

    $ . .env
    $ python3 runserver