droidcon KE 22 🔥🔨

Android app for the 3rd Android Developer conference- droidcon to be held in Nairobi from November 16-18th 2022.

This project is the Android app for the conference. The app supports devices running Android 5.0+, and is optimized for phones and tablets of all shapes and sizes.


  1. Jetpack Compose
  2. Coroutines - For Concurrency and Asynchronous tasks
  3. Ktor - For network requests
  4. Hilt - For Dependency Injection
  5. Crashlytics
  6. Coil - For Image Loading and Caching
  7. Lint Checks - Ktlint


The proposed architecture is as follows;


This layer will include;

  1. Network Calls
  2. Caching
  3. Storing and fetching Preferences.
  4. The repository implementation
  5. The relevant data models
  6. Relevant Mappers


This layer will contain;

  1. The repository
  2. The relevant domain models.


  1. View
  2. ViewModels
  3. Relevant Mappers
  4. Relevant Models.


App will have the following features:

  • Sessions
  • Feed
  • About
  • Home
  • Speakers
  • Sponsors
  • Authentication
  • Feedback


This is the link to the app designs:
[Light Theme] (https://xd.adobe.com/view/dd5d0245-b92b-4678-9d4a-48b3a6f48191-880e/)
[Dark Theme] (https://xd.adobe.com/view/5ec235b6-c3c6-49a9-b783-1f1303deb1a8-0b91/)

The app uses a design system: Chai


The project uses Versions Catalog to set up and share dependencies across the modules. The main reasons for choosing to adopt Versions Catalog are:

  • Central place to define dependencies.
  • Easy syntax.
  • Does not compromise on build speeds as changes do not need the module to be compiled.

To add a dependency, navigate to gradle/libs.versions.toml* file, which has all the dependencies for the whole project. This file has the following sections:

[versions] is used to declare the version numbers that will be referenced later by plugins and libraries. [libraries] Define the libraries that will be later accessed in our Gradle files. [bundles] Are used to define a set of dependencies. For this, we have compose, room, lifecycle and ktor as examples. [plugins] Used to define plugins.

You need to add your dependency version in [versions]. This is unnecessary if you are not sharing the version across different dependencies. After defining the version, add your library in the [libraries] section as:

compose-activity = "androidx.activity:activity-compose:1.5.0"

Moreover, if you have already defined the version in [versions], you define it as:

androidx-splashscreen = { module = "androidx.core:core-splashscreen", version.ref = "splash" }


  • You can use separators such as -, _v, . that will be normalized by Gradle to . in the Catalog and allow you to create subsections.
  • Define variables using CamelCase.\
  • Check if the library can be added to any existing bundles.

Material 3 Bottom Sheets

At the time of working on this app, Material 3 didn't have BottomSheet classes. Solution was to copy them from AOSP. They can be found in the com/android254/presentation/common/bottomsheet packages and have been used to do the Share feed and Fitter Bottom Sheets. You can find more information here.


Contributions are always welcome!

See CONTRIBUTING.md for ways to get started.


We would endlessly like to thank the following contributors

Evans Chepsiror