
Primary LanguagePython

Testing with Code Coverage

triangle.py contains a function is_triangle(a, b, c) that returns True if (a, b, c) are valid lengths of the sides of a triangle, and returns False otherwise.

triangle_test.py contains unit tests of is_triangle.

Exercise 1

Use code coverage to find untested code and a problem with the tests.

  1. Run the unit tests. They should all pass.

  2. Run the tests using code coverage, then generate an html coverage report:

    coverage run -u unittest triange_test.py
    coverage html
  3. View the report in a web browser. The file to open is htmlcov/index.html.

  4. Is there any part of the code under test (trinagle.py) that was not tested?

    Write the Line Numbers here: [ ]

  5. Modify the tests so that all lines of the code are tested.

  6. Run coverage again with the --branch option to see if all branches of "if" statements are covered:

    coverage run --branch -u unittest triange_test.py
    coverage html
  7. What lines in the unit test code were not executed?
    Write the Line Numbers: [ ]

  8. Normally, all the lines of test code should be executed. When some part of test code is not executed it may indicate a problem with the tests. Explain the problem in the unit test code. (write you answer below).


When done, push your work to Github, including your changes to README.

Exercise 2: Parameterized Tests

Use TestCase.subTest() to replace redundant test code with a loop over sets of data values.

By using subTest(), if one test case fails the test will continue to execute the other test cases. If you simply use a loop without subTest(), the test will stop after the first failure.

  1. Copy triangle_test.py to parameterized_test.py.

  2. For each of the 3 test methods, create a list of tuples for the test data. Then replace multiple "assert" statements with a loop over the test data.

    • you must put the "assert" statement inside a self.subTest() block so that all test cases will be run if one assertion fails.
  3. Run the tests with code coverage and verify that the tests work as before.

  4. Add parameterized_test.py to git and push to Github.


class TriangleTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # The list of values for your tests can be defined:  
    # - outside the class (global variable)
    # - as a class variable (like this) 
    # - as a local variable inside the test method.
    # Use which ever is most readable.
    valid_triangles = [
            (1, 1, 1),
            (3, 4, 5),
            (3, 4, 6),

    def test_valid_triangle(self):
        for a,b,c in self.valid_triangles:
            with self.subTest():
                msg = f"side lengths ({a},{b},{c})"
                self.assertTrue( is_triangle(a, b, c), msg)

Install Coverage Package

On most systems you install it using "pip" or "pip3":

pip3 install coverage`

For more info, see the Coverage Documentation.


Subtests in the Python documentation. Has examples.

Subtest example on StackOverflow