Sequence to Sequence Learning
I recently implemented a deep learning based conversation engine, Musio, which is originally built on top of sequence to sequence learning model. When I saw the paper, A Neural Conversational Model, introduced from Google, I was really inspired. It seemed like generating a relevant sequence given a sequence. Most of existing chatbots used to take full advantage of AIML-like pattern matching or rules to interact with human beings. But the neural conversational model can learn and understand human languages using a large conversational datasets without any rules and complicated feature engineering.
I crawled some subtitles for kids, and developed a sequence to sequence learning algorithm in Torch7. Much of the base code is from lstm-char-cnn(YoonKim) and char-rnn(Karpathy). But I restructured the whole source codes to enable sequence to sequence learning, and embedded encoder-decoder architecture to make it flexible with other algorithms.
Here is the demo I have worked on. The size of dialogue is somewhat small (206,194 utterances), and the time to learn is short (just for 2 days). I used two-layered LSTM RNN model with some options such as the size of word vector(1,000), the size of rnn(2,000), the number of batch(30), and the number of time steps(35). You will be able to see the progress of source codes in my github soon or later.
luarocks install
luarocks install
luarocks install json
- training
th trainer.lua -save_every 1 -savefile seq2seq-new-wv650-rnn650 -dropout 0.5 -word_vec_size 650 -highway_layers 2 -use_chars 0 -use_words 1 -rnn_size 650 -gpuid 0 -checkpoint_dir cv -seq_length 35 -batch_size 30 -data_dir data/conv -max_epochs 100
- generating next sequences given a sequence
th generator.lua -gpuid 0 -model cv/seq2seq-new-wv650-rnn650-xxxxxx.t7
Woohyun Kim (