Play Android: Netrunner in the browser.
Gameplay video:
The deck builder implements all the deck building constraints. It is optimised for fast deck editing. It is possible for instance to copy & paste a decklist from a forum and it will be parsed.
The implementation of the game rules is in progress. About 95% of the cards are currently automated. For the cards that aren't, it is possible to resolve them manually most of the time.
Card rules implementation status
- Node.js, Node Package Manager
- Leiningen (version 2+)
- MongoDB
- Coffeescript
- Bower
Install Node.js dependencies:
$ npm install
Install JavaScript dependencies:
$ bower install
Launch MongoDB and fetch card data:
$ mongod
$ cd data
$ coffee
Compile and watch client side Clojurescript files:
$ lein cljsbuild auto dev
Compile server side Clojure files:
$ lein uberjar
Launch game server:
$ java -jar target/netrunner-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Launch the Node server:
$ coffee
For more information refer to the development guide.