
Simple and fast templating engine.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple and fast templating engine.

For familiarity Mustache open/close syntax is used by default.



1. Install

npm install migasc-template

2. Import

import MigascTemplate from 'migasc-template';


const MigascTemplate = require('migasc-template');

3. Create Instance

const mt = new MigascTemplate(
  // MigascTemplate Options
  { doAllowWhitespace: true },
  // MigascTemplate Dictionary
    adjective: 'mysterious',
    animal: 'Cats',
    author: 'Sir Walter Scott',

4. Compile Templates


const template =
  '{{ animal }} are a {{ adjective }} kind of folk - {{ author }}';

Use the global dictionary.

// -> Cats are a mysterious kind of folk - Sir Walter Scott

Use a local dictionary.

mt.compile(template, {
  adjective: 'special',
  animal: 'Kevins',
  author: 'Michael Scott',
// -> Kevins are a special kind of folk - Michael Scott

Use a precompiled template.

// Precompile the template

// -> Cats are a mysterious kind of folk - Sir Walter Scott

Default Options

Option Type Default
dict404 string ''
doAllowEscapeChar boolean false
doAllowWhitespace boolean false
maxChars number 64
maxWhitespace number 64
tags.close string }}
tags.open string {{
validChars string a-zA-Z0-9_-


const mt = new MigascTemplate();

mt.compile('{{animal}} are a {{adjective}} kind of folk - {{author}}', {
  adjective: 'mysterious',
  animal: 'Cats',
  author: 'Sir Walter Scott',
// -> Cats are a mysterious kind of folk - Sir Walter Scott

Usage Caution

The default templating language uses Mustache open/close syntax {{variableName}} without any whitespace. MigascTemplate relies on accurate user input as it does not throw template syntax errors. Therefore, it is recommended that templates are written using Mustache/Handlebars syntax highlighting extensions or the Handlebars file extension (.hbs) for syntax feedback.

Generating lists is common usage when using EJS and Handlebars and although this is not the intent of MigascTemplate, it can be achieved via IIFEs.

// Note: This is not efficient code, it's purpose is to showcase
mt.compile('<ul>{{list}}</ul>', {
  list: new Array(20)
    .map(() => `<li>${Math.random()}</li>`)


Benchmark results are produced from the benchmark script.

Test Operations per Second Relative Margin of Error Samples
[char 45] EJS.render 56,117 ±0.20% 87
[char 45] EJS.compile 57,228 ±0.19% 98
[char 45] EJS.compile (precompiled) 475,339 ±0.25% 94
[char 45] Handlebars.compile 7,717 ±0.31% 94
[char 45] Handlebars.compile (precompiled) 224,557 ±0.23% 94
[char 45] MigascTemplate.compile 517,494 ±0.27% 96
[char 45] MigascTemplate.template (precompiled) 1,003,012 ±0.22% 94
[char 380] EJS.render 37,654 ±0.38% 99
[char 380] EJS.compile 38,099 ±0.17% 96
[char 380] EJS.compile (precompiled) 356,497 ±0.24% 95
[char 380] Handlebars.compile 7,097 ±0.37% 91
[char 380] Handlebars.compile (precompiled) 231,864 ±0.17% 92
[char 380] MigascTemplate.compile 474,601 ±0.22% 98
[char 380] MigascTemplate.template (precompiled) 1,017,288 ±0.29% 96
[char 38022] EJS.render 1,597 ±0.20% 98
[char 38022] EJS.compile 1,600 ±0.13% 96
[char 38022] EJS.compile (precompiled) 11,765 ±0.27% 96
[char 38022] Handlebars.compile 231 ±0.62% 83
[char 38022] Handlebars.compile (precompiled) 60,799 ±0.96% 94
[char 38022] MigascTemplate.compile 19,123 ±0.14% 96
[char 38022] MigascTemplate.template (precompiled) 215,903 ±0.20% 96


MigascTemplate is released under the MIT license.