
A Ruby on Rails based content management app for my blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple content management system built using Ruby on Rails. This software is deployed at blog.ilseman.com where it runs my professional blog.



  • Ruby 2.3

  • Rails 4.2.4

  • Postgresql


$ git clone https://github.com/fathergoose/post_on_rails && cd post_on_rails

Install gems

$ bundle install

Create and migrate the database

$ rake db:create && rake db:migrate

Optionally, you can seed the database with some test articles

$ rake db:seed

To launch the application in development mode, run

$ rails server

And visit localhost:3000


Testing is done using minitest and stays close to rails conventions wherever possible. Use

$ rake

to run the test suite and build coverage stats using simplecov. The coverage stats may be browsed using the command

$ rake browse:coverage

Full documentation for this application can be built with

$ rake doc:app

and then browsed with

$ rake browse:docs