
That's a simple prompt changer to show a few cool git informations about your repository on terminal. You can choose among 13 styles and enjoy all the aliases it provides you. Feel free for contributing, pull requests and issues are always welcome! ;)

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FancyGit is a tool which works for Linux and MAC OS, that changes the terminal prompt in order to show you a few cool git informations when you're working on a git repo. It'll always keep you informed about the current branch status.

πŸš€ Guidelines for contributing | 🧐 Changelog | πŸ”¨ Troubleshooting

πŸ’˜ Installing

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diogocavilha/fancy-git/master/install.sh | sh

πŸ’” Uninstalling

curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/diogocavilha/fancy-git/master/uninstall.sh | sh

βœ”οΈ After installing

  1. Change your terminal font to Sauce-Code-Pro-Nerd-Font-Complete-Windows-Compatible.ttf. It's necessary only if you're using one of the fancy styles for rendering the icons properly.
    If you can't find the font, it's still possible to install it manually by running fancygit --fonts-install or even installing the ttf file which is placed at ~/.fancy-git/fonts/Sauce-Code-Pro-Nerd-Font-Complete-Windows-Compatible.ttf.
  2. Restart your terminal.

Run fancygit -h to check FancyGit help.

πŸ’… Git suggested colors

git config --global color.ui true
git config --global color.diff.meta "yellow bold"
git config --global color.diff.old "red bold"
git config --global color.diff.new "green bold"
git config --global color.status.added "green bold"
git config --global color.status.changed "yellow"
git config --global color.status.untracked "cyan"

Run fancygit --colors to see those suggested colors.
Run fancygit --colors-apply to apply it.

I suggest you to use this scheme color because FancyGit will paint the background branch, most of the time, according to the current repo status, since you're using some of the colored style.

Type fancygit -h for more information.

πŸ‘€ Overview

As a picture is worth a thousand words...

001 002 003 004 005 006 007

Working on a Python virtual environment?


🎨 Styles

If you don't want to be too "fancy", you can choose using the simple style by running fancygit simple. If you want to return to the default style (colored), you can type fancygit default. There are a few more styles you can choose from.

Here you have a list of available styles and their corresponding command to apply.

fancygit default

fancygit double-line
Double Line

fancygit dark

fancygit dark-double-line
Dark Double Line

fancygit dark-col-double-line
Dark Col Double Line

fancygit light

fancygit light-double-line
Light Double Line

fancygit simple

fancygit simple-double-line
Simple Double Line

fancygit human

fancygit human-single-line
Human Single Line

fancygit human-dark
Human Dark

fancygit human-dark-single-line
Human Dark Single Line

πŸ”— Separators styles

You can type fancygit --separator<TAB> so you can see all the available separator styles for you to use.

‼️ Important ‼️

It's highly recommended to set up the terminal font to Sauce-Code-Pro-Nerd-Font-Complete-Windows-Compatible.ttf which comes with FancyGit.
This way, symbols will be rendered correctly and new FancyGit releases must work as expected.
In order to install the font you can run fancygit --fonts-install.
After that, just change your terminal font config to Sauce-Code-Pro-Nerd-Font-Complete-Windows-Compatible.ttf.


🧰 Commands

Command Description
fancygit -h, --help Show this help.
fancygit -v, --version Show the FancyGit version.
fancygit --update Update FancyGit code with the latest release from GitHub.
fancygit --fonts-install Install font in order to render icons properly.
fancygit --colors Show suggested colors config.
fancygit --colors-apply Apply the suggested colors config.
fancygit --disable-full-path FancyGit will show only the the working directory name.
fancygit --enable-full-path FancyGit will show the entire path.
fancygit --disable-show-user-at-machine FancyGit will hide (user@machine) info.
fancygit --enable-show-user-at-machine FancyGit will show (user@machine) info, as usual.
fancygit --enable-time FancyGit will show current time.
fancygit --disable-time FancyGit will not show current time.
fancygit --separator-default Change the separator to default style.
fancygit --separator-blocs Change the separator to blocs style.
fancygit --separator-blocs-tiny Change the separator to blocs-tiny style.
fancygit --separator-curve Change the separator to curve style.
fancygit --separator-fire Change the separator to fire style.
fancygit --separator-lego Change the separator to lego style.
fancygit --separator-paint Change the separator to paint style.
fancygit simple Change prompt to the simple style.
fancygit simple-double-line Change prompt to the simple style in double line.
fancygit default Change prompt to the default (colored) style.
fancygit double-line Change prompt to the default (colored) style in double line.
fancygit human Change prompt to the human readable style.
fancygit human-dark Change prompt to the human readable style.
fancygit dark Change prompt to the dark style.
fancygit dark-double-line Change prompt to the dark style in double line.
fancygit dark-col-double-line Change prompt to the dark (colored) style in double line.
fancygit light Change prompt to the light style.
fancygit light-double-line Change prompt to the light style in double line.

🧰 Aliases

Alias Description
gs Show git status. (git status)
ga <file> ... Add a file in order to commit. (file)
gap <file> Add a file in order to commit. (git add -p <file>)
gaa Add all files in order to commit. (file)
gd Show changes of a file and suggests to add it. (git diff) (file)
gcm Start committing. (git commit)
gcmm "<message>" Start committing with a message. (git commit -m "<message>")
gpl Git pull. (git pull) (file)
gps Git push. (git push)
gplo <branch-name> Git pull from <branch-name> to current local branch. (git pull origin <branch-name>) (file)
gpso <branch-name> Git push from current local branch to <branch-name>. (git push origin <branch-name>)
gplob Git pull from remote current branch to local current branch. (file)
gpsob Git push from local current branch to remote current branch. (file)
gck <file> ... Rollback file changes. (git checkout -- <file>) (file)
gckb <branch-name> Switch to a branch. (git checkout <branch-name>).
gckbt <branch-name> Switch to a branch with --track option. (file)
gcb <branch-name> Create and switch to the new branch. (git checkout -b <branch-name>)
ggdb <branch-name> Delete a local branch. (git branch -D <branch-name>)
gdbr <branch-name> Delete a remote branch. (git push origin --delete <branch-name>)
grb <new-branch-name> Rename a branch (local). (file)
grba <new-branch-name> Rename a branch (local and remote). (file)
gl Show git log. (git log)
glp Show pretty git log. (file)
gdof Remove all .orig files from project. (find . -name "*.orig" | xargs rm -rf)
gfi <file> Force git to ignore a file. (git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>)
gurl Show git repository URL. (file)
guser Show git user information. (file)
gst Create new stash with default message. (git stash)
gstl List all stashes. (git stash list)
gstm Create new stash with custom message. (git stash save "<message>")
gstw Show stash diffs. (git stash show <stash_id>) (file)
gsta Apply stash. (git stash apply <stash_id>) (file)
gstd Drop specific stash. (git stash drop <stash_id>) (file)
gg "<message>" Add all changes, then commit and push them. (git add --all && git commit -m "<message>" && git push) (file)
gu <file> ... Remove files from staging area. (git reset HEAD <file>)
pve Show the current Python virtual environment name. (file)

βš™οΈ Advanced tweaking - override values from config.sh

If you like to tweak things more in-depth, like color values, special characters and such, you can create a new file ~/.fancy-git/config-override.sh. This file is sourced after reading the standard configuration, so that you can override any variable found in the main config.sh.

You want to change the branch icon, because you are using a different console font and the icon is on a different character position inside the font. Simply create the override file and add a line like this (for sure, you will likely have changed the symbol):

branch_icon="ξ‚ "

⛏️ Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting page

πŸš€ Contributing

Guidelines for contributing

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Holger Pandel


Marvin Kweyu




Rafael Martins


OtΓ‘vio Augusto


Roger Carhuatocto


Rafael Pereira


Tom Halliley


Sven Finke




Josip Trupina


β˜• Buy me a coffee!
