Steps to start the app (Steps 2 and 3 is only required for the initial setup):

  1. Make sure that MySQL 8.0+ is running on your system
  2. If you have Anaconda, create virtual environment using conda env create -f environment.yml. Or, create a Python 3.6+ environment with Django 3.2.8. Then, activate the virtual environment.
  3. Migrate: python migrate.
  4. Craete and fill hbms database: python --user user_name --password password (Any user_name and password permitted to create a database in your server.)
  5. Run app: python runserver.
  6. Open the host address (localhost by defaukt) on your preferred browser to access the HBMS application.
  7. Run python --user user_name --password password to see the aggregate report results for price analysis by state and ranges.