
Docker image that can be used to set up automatic semantic versioning using Gitlab merge request labels

Primary LanguagePython


Docker image that can be used to automatically version projects.

How is the version determined?

Versions are being maintained using git tags.

If no git tag is available, the first version update will result in version (current-date).1. If git tags are available, it will determine whether to update date part or the patch part, if the current date is different than the last tag's date newer tag will be (current-date).1, if current date is as the same date as the last tag's date newer tag will be an increment to the last tag's patch part.


API token and group

To extract the labels from merge requests, we need an API token to access the Gitlab API. Unfortunately, GitLab doesn't yet support non-user specific access tokens.

Ask your GitLab administrator to add a dummy user ${group_name}_npa to GitLab with access only to your project group. Log in with this user, and create a personal access token with api scope access.

Copy the generated API token and keep it available for the next section.

Group-level variables

The NPA username and token need to be injected into the version-update container as environment variables. For this, we'll use group-level variables.

Go to your group's variables section under Settings -> CI / CD.

Add the following variables:

Key Value
NPA_USERNAME The name of the NPA user created for your group: ${group_name}_npa
NPA_PASSWORD The personal access token with API scope generated for the NPA user

Pipeline configuration

The pipeline configuration below will:

-It demonstrates tagging the project and passing the tag to other stages.

  - version
  - echo

  stage: version
  image: cayro/gitlab-semantic-versioning:latest
    - runner-tag
    - python3 /version-update/version-update.py
    - TAG=$(git describe --tags --always)
    - echo "export TAG=$TAG" > .variables
      - .variables
    - develop

  stage: echo
    - runner-tag
    - develop
    - source .variables
    - echo $TAG