Blog example with React and Redux
This is an example application to demonstrate how Redux and some other popular libraries can be used in a React application. Please see below for features and tech stack of the application.
Features of application
- Read and
Writeblog posts (Writing is In Progress) - Read and Write comments to blog posts
- Read and
Token based authentication:
- Login to protect routes from unauthorized users.
- Singup to create new users
- Fully mocked api, no dependency to a backend application.
- Examples of
- Success and Error messages to notify user about api call results.
Tech Stack
- Hooks
- Bootstrapped via Create React App
- Redux-Saga is used for side effects
- reselect is used to get data from store to components.
yarn tsc
command can be used in development or at CI pipeline to check type and other TypeScript related errors.
- Material components and icons are used.
- Fully mocked API
- Custom routes added to enable token based authentication via jsonwebtoken. Passwords are ignored at mock api.
- pre-commit hook to style files with Prettier before each commit to be created.
- lint-staged is used to change style of only staged files.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run (after installing dependencies via yarn install
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
and 3001
ports are needed to start the application.
yarn test
yarn test
Not available at the moment. Tests should be added.
yarn build
Builds the app for production to the build
yarn lint
Checks linting errors
yarn tsc
Checks Typescript errors
yarn prettier
Styles all files by re-writing according to defined style rules.
Next Steps
- Write, delete, update a blog post
- Unit testing
- Storybook