
jRaspBee is a Java library allowing developers to easily use the features offered by a RaspBee bridge.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Maven Central Javadoc

jRaspBee is a Java library allowing developers to easily use the features offered by a RaspBee bridge. The library refers deconz-rest-plugin (official RaspBee Rest API)


jRaspBee is a fork of Jue library from Q42.


If this is your first time using the library, have a look at the wiki pages for tutorials to learn how to use this library. These will outline the organization and usage patterns.

If you're looking for a reference, you can find Javadoc here. Great care was taken to properly document all functions and classes and it is updated after every change.


jRaspBee is licensed under MIT, of which the terms are outlined in the LICENSE file.

Also included is a copy of the GSON library, licensed under the Apache License 2.0, of which the terms can be found here.