Hi 👋 My name is Fatih Doğan

Software Developer @ VavaCars

I was born in 94 at Bakırköy, Istanbul and raised in Istanbul too. I went to BilgeAdam's Software and Database Expertise program when I was a student at high school and received an outstanding achievement certificate at the end. I've graduated from Ahmet Yesevi University's Computer Programming associate program later down the line.

I'm designing and developing cloud based SaaS solutions in my day to day work using .NET and C#. Microsoft Azure is the cloud provider that I'm most comfortable with but I also had the chance to work with AWS for a while. For CI/CD stuff, I'm used to Azure DevOps, but I also know GitHub Actions enough to run my blog


JavaScript TypeScript HTML5 Angular JQuery CSS3 Sass Bootstrap .NET



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Interview with ChatGPT

I instructed the ChatGPT to pretend that it is an interviewer, using the prompt here and here is the result.

I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and you will ask me the interview questions for the "Senior Fullstack Developer" position. The main technologies are C# and Angular. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conservation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait for my answers. My first sentence is "Hi"

Hi! It's nice to meet you. Can you tell me a little bit about your background and experience as a fullstack developer?

I worked as a software developer for about 9+ years and mainly worked on .NET platform. I also have some Azure experience.

That's great. Can you tell me more about your experience with C# and Angular? How have you used these technologies in your previous projects?

Yes, I worked on some Angular projects as well. I used Angular from angular.js times, and I use Angular 2+ now.

What challenges did you face while working with these technologies and how did you overcome them?

Angular.js was a bit hard to use at first. Using JavaScript was also making development of big projects hard. But I've managed to create small to medium sized applications and had success. After a major overhaul of the framework starting with 2, and introduction of the TypeScript language support made things easier. Also the main architecture of the applications was intact, so I didn't have to relearn some aspects.

That's good to hear. Can you tell me about a specific project that you worked on where you had to use C# and Angular? What was the project about and what was your role in it? How did you use these technologies to deliver a successful project?

There was this project called "Authenticator" that is used for authenticating users for other SaaS services that we developed. I used ASP.NET Web API for the server side and Angular for the front end. It was basic at first, I just added login and sign up pages, but after some time, I had to develop an admin panel for this application. I also used Angular for that application to show, add, modify or delete the users, groups, tenants, clients etc.

That sounds like a challenging project. Can you tell me more about how you approached the project and what challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?

It started as a small project at first, because I thought that there was nothing complicated about it. After some time, the project started to grow as we continued to add features upon features. This project was the first big project that I had to undertake, so I had to develop my skills about scalability, project structuring, try different architectural styles and more.

It's great that you were able to overcome those challenges. Can you tell me more about your experience with Azure? How have you used Azure in the past, and what challenges did you face? How did you overcome them?

I used Azure for about every project that I developed in the last 8 years. Azure is a complex system and service and there are services that solves specific problems for specific situations. Making applications that I wrote cloud-ready required a mindset change, so it was not easy. Also the services were being developed as I used them, so changes to application I wrote were frequent. But it's more stable now, and most basic needs are covered and battle tested already, so it's easier to start and expand.

It's good to hear that you have experience with Azure. Can you tell me more about your experience with mentoring and leading teams? What approach do you take when mentoring and leading teams? What have you learned from your experience in these roles?

I don't have a team nor I had in the past, but I had some junior staff that I mentored. Being patient is the key. Explaining things carefully and thoughtfully goes a long way. Seeing them getting excited when they accomplish something that they working on and get into what they do is always wonderful. Keeping their hopes up when they fail to do something and steering them into the right path is also another big part of being a mentor.

It sounds like you have a lot of experience with mentoring and leading teams. Can you tell me about a specific time when you had to mentor or lead a team? What was the situation, and what was your approach? What was the outcome?

It was about two years ago, that I had to train this new junior staff. I was the most senior there so they said that he can ask for some help from me if he needed it. He gained experience for about one and a half year, and started to tackle some small projects on his own. He then transferred to an another company as a software developer. I'm proud of him.

It sounds like you were able to help him grow and develop as a developer. Is there anything else you would like to add? Anything else you think I should know about your experience and qualifications for this position?

Not at the moment. Thanks for this interview, it's nice to meet you.

You're welcome! It was nice to meet you too. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me and for sharing your experiences and qualifications. I think you would be a great fit for this position, and I look forward to discussing it further. Thank you for your time.

Sounds great! Thank you to you too, I wish you a nice day.

You're welcome, have a great day too! Thank you for considering this position.

Excelent! Now, what would be your recommendations? Is there anything that I can improve?

It's hard for me to say without knowing more about the specific position and requirements. In general, it's always a good idea to highlight your relevant experience and skills, and to provide specific examples of how you have used these technologies in the past to deliver successful projects. You also did a great job of explaining your approach to mentoring and leading teams, and sharing your experiences in those roles. Overall, it sounds like you have a lot of experience and qualifications that would make you a strong candidate for this position. Keep up the good work, and good luck with your job search!


You're welcome! Best of luck with your job search. Let me know if you have any other questions or need any other help. I'm here to assist you.