ECMAScript / TypeScript decorator for class-style Vue components.
Required: ECMAScript stage 1 decorators.
If you use Babel, babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy is needed.
If you use TypeScript, enable --experimentalDecorators
and --allowSyntheticDefaultImports
can be declared directly as class member methods. -
Computed properties can be declared as class property accessors.
can be declared as class properties (babel-plugin-transform-class-properties is required if you use Babel). -
and all Vue lifecycle hooks can be directly declared as class member methods as well, but you cannot invoke them on the instance itself. When declaring custom methods, you should avoid these reserved names. -
For all other options, pass them to the decorator function.
Following is the example written in Babel. If you are looking for TypeScript version, it's in the example directory.
<input v-model="msg">
<p>prop: {{propMessage}}</p>
<p>msg: {{msg}}</p>
<p>helloMsg: {{helloMsg}}</p>
<p>computed msg: {{computedMsg}}</p>
<button @click="greet">Greet</button>
import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
props: {
propMessage: String
export default class App extends Vue {
// initial data
msg = 123
// use prop values for initial data
helloMsg = 'Hello, ' + this.propMessage
// lifecycle hook
mounted () {
// computed
get computedMsg () {
return 'computed ' + this.msg
// method
greet () {
alert('greeting: ' + this.msg)
You may also want to check out the @prop
and @watch
decorators provided by vue-property-decorators.
You can extend the functionality of this library by creating your own decorators. vue-class-component provides createDecorator
helper to create custom decorators. createDecorator
expects a callback function as the 1st argument and the callback will receive following arguments:
: Vue component options object. Changes for this object will affect the provided component.key
: The property or method key that the decorator is applied.parameterIndex
: The index of a decorated argument if the custom decorator is used for an argument.
Example of creating NoCache
// decorators.js
import { createDecorator } from 'vue-class-component'
export const NoCache = createDecorator((options, key) => {
// component options should be passed to the callback
// and update for the options object affect the component
options.computed[key].cache = false
import { NoCache } from './decorators'
class MyComp extends Vue {
// the computed property will not be cached
get random () {
return Math.random()
If you use some Vue plugins like Vue Router, you may want class components to resolve hooks that they provides. For that case, Component.registerHooks
allows you to register such hooks:
// class-component-hooks.js
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
// Register the router hooks with thier names
// MyComp.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
class MyComp extends Vue {
// The class component now treats beforeRouteEnter
// and beforeRouteLeave as Vue Router hooks
beforeRouteEnter () {
beforeRouteLeave () {
Note that you have to register the hooks before component definition.
// main.js
// Make sure to register before importing any components
import './class-component-hooks'
import Vue from 'vue'
import MyComp from './MyComp'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
vue-class-component collects class properties as Vue instance data by instantiating the original constructor under the hood. While we can define instance data like native class manner, we sometimes need to know how it works.
For example, if you define an arrow function as a class property and access this
in it, it will not work. This is because this
is just a proxy object to Vue instance when initializing class properties:
class MyComp extends Vue {
foo = 123
bar = () => {
// Does not update the expected property.
// `this` value is not a Vue instance in fact. = 456
You can simply define a method instead of a class property in that case because Vue will bind the instance automatically:
class MyComp extends Vue {
foo = 123
bar () {
// Correctly update the expected property. = 456
$ npm install && npm run example