
Vue3 Component Library with Lerna, StoryBook & NPM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue3 + Vite + Storybook + Lerna Component Library Blueprint

Blueprint for large Vue JS projects, using the new and exciting Vite build tool and Lerna monorepo manager.

Live Demo

Packages storybook live demo: https://squanch-vue3.netlify.app/ Packages NPM organization: squanch-vue3


Initialize the project as follows:

git clone https://github.com/fatihsinanyaman/vue3-component-library.git
cd vue3-component-library
npm run initialize

This downloads the project into vue3-component-library folder, installs all dependencies, prepares Lerna monorepo and creates symlinks for internal dependencies. All is now ready for build.

Create New Package

npm run new {packageName}

package files will be automatic generation


Run the following to build all packages:

npm run build

This runs a production build. In each package you will now find /dist folder where package code is bundled.


Run the following to livepreview all packages:

npm run storybook

This runs storybook for preview & development.

Publish Packages

Lerna will be publish automaticly all packages indipendent versions under the organization scope. For example: squanch-vue3

npm run publish

package files will be automatic generation
