
Spring boot and cassandra with uses RestFul services.

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot - Cassandra

Its sample project with Spring Boot and Cassandra and uses RestFul services

Easy Way to install Cassandra

Cassandra Install

Cassandra Configuration

In application.properties, you can change 'keyspace' for your configuration.

In the application keyspace name uses 'myks'.

After Cassandra installation, create a new keyspace and create a new table in Cassandra with following commands.

CREATE KEYSPACE myks WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };

CREATE TABLE myks.user (id TimeUUID PRIMARY KEY, name text, surname text, age int);
	CREATE INDEX usernameindex ON myks.user (name);
	CREATE INDEX usersurnameindex ON myks.user (surname);
	CREATE INDEX userageindex ON myks.user (age);
How To Run Project

The project is a spring boot project. For this reason, you can run the Application class by running it.

Application starts normally and inserts one data at user table.


GET, POST, PUT, DELETE operations can be done with restful services.


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 Fatih Totrakanlı