In this repository you will find the code of the "Coding 2: Web Scraping with R" course in the 2020/2021 Fall term, part of the MSc in Business Analytics at CEU.

Web scraping with R

Pre requirements:

  • Installed R and R studio
  • "rvest", "data.table", "jsonlite" package installed
install.packages(c("rvest", "data.table", "jsonlite"))
  • SelectorGadget extension for browser. (Chrome is the preferred browser)


  • rvest, html_nodes, html_attr, html_table, lapply, sapply, for loop, if statment
  • GET, POST, ad header and data to requests
  • Selenium
  • Multi threading with R and python


  • Scrape news site(25%)
  • Work with api(25%)
  • Final assignments(50%)


6 X 100 mins

Week 1

  • Loops, sapply, lapply, for while
  • Functions
  • Rvest
  • HTML structure
  • Object selector with css SelectorGadget


Orsós Mihály
git email

Mészáros Viktória
git email