
Source code used on "A robust and fast deep learning-based method for defect classification in steel surfaces" paper.

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Source code used on "A robust and fast deep learning-based method for defect classification in steel surfaces" paper.


This directory contains the source code used on "A robust and fast deep learning-based method for defect classification in steel surfaces" paper.

It contains the following scripts:

  • preProcess: apply filters to highlight the defects. (i) imadjustn: Adjust image intensity values (achieves the best classification accuracy) (ii) histeq: Enhance contrast using histogram equalization (iii) localcotnrast: Edge-aware local contrast manipulation of images
  • dataAugmentation: apply transformations
  • generateOcclusion: generate a percentage of occlusions
  • increaseBrightness: augment the brightness
  • NEU_CNN_[train|test] with different architectures (1) AlexNet (2) GoogleNet (3) ResNet50
  • NEUpath: folder of the input images

  • architecture_net: 1 = AlexNet v2
    2 = pretrained GoogLeNet (224x224x3)
    3 = pretrained ResNet50 (224x224x3)

  • k: k-fold cross validation

  • trainingOptions parameters

Please if you use the code, reference our work:

Saiz, F.A. , Serrano, I., Barandiran. I., Sanchez, J.R. A robust and fast deep learning-based method for defect classification in steel surfaces. IEE-IS18. pp. 455-460 (2018)
