- Hilt
- Lottie
- Jetpack Navigation
- OkHttp
- Leak Canary
- Coroutines
- Firebase Crashlytics & Analytics
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
- Room - SQLite Caching
- Retrofit
- Shimmer
- Jetpack Compose
- Coil
- SafeArgs
- SplashScreen
- Flexbox
- No Max Level
- Score required to level up
e.g. If user has 3600 Score, their level is 12,
3600 = (Level / 0.2) ^ 2
√3600 = Level / 0.2
Level = 60 * 0.2
Level = 12
- Pagination
- Caching
- Search
- Dark Theme
- Error Handling
- Orientation Change
- Screen-Base Grid
- DeepLink
- Flexbox
- SplashScreen
- Themed Icon
- Google Sign-in with Backend