A package that contains a demo of ROSMonitoring for ROS2 using the moveit2 panda arm servo example


versions I used are in brackets

  • ROS 2 (Galactic)
  • MoveIt2 (for Galactic)
    • Install from here
    • Replace rosdep update with rosdep update --include-eol-distros: This is because galactic is an EOL distribution. If using the latest distro, this step is not needed
  • ROSMonitoring for ROS 2 - get it from here please https://github.com/fatmaf/ROSMonitoring/tree/ros2port (we want the ros2port branch)

Running things

We will use the Realtime Arm Servoing Example

SOURCE moveit ws

  • Connect the joystick

  • Detect it using: ros2 run joy joy_node

  • In another terminal run ros2 launch moveit_servo servo_example.launch.py

  • In another terminal run ros2 service call /servo_node/start_servo std_srvs/srv/Trigger {} (this starts the joystick control)

  • In another terminal navigate to the ROSMonitoring folder go to the oracle, go to LamaConvOracle and then type in ./oracle.py --property joint_pos_lim_prop --online --tense future --port 8080

  • In another terminal run ros2 launch monitor monitor.launch

  • display the monitor verdict topic