
Java implementation of gradient descent for UoB Intro to AI (MSc & Conversion) module

Primary LanguageJava

Gradient Descent for Univariate Linear Regression

Program in Java to demonstrate univariate linear regression with gradient descent.


On Linux or MacOS:

$ chmod +x gradient-descent.sh
$ ./gradient-descent.sh

On Windows:

C:\DIRECTORY> gradient-descent.bat

These will automatically compile and run the program.


Data is stored as .csv files within the /data folder. The program works on numeric data, thus the data should be formatted as two-column numeric data delimited with commas.

You can specify the your own file by changing line 3 of GradientDescent.java:

    static final String DATA_FILE = /* your_file.csv */;

Example data included:

  • MacdonellDF.csv
    • Macdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)
    • Format: height, finger_length

Plotting Functions

On line 58 of the GradientDescent class, there is a HypothesisFunction functional interface that is used in plotting the graph for said function. For example, if you want to plot the function:

h(x) = x + 2

you'd change that line to be:

HypothesisFunction h_x = (x) -> x + 2;

This is called a lambda expression, and it's useful because it resembles how you'd write the function mathematically. Lambda expressions are of the form:

(parameter1, parameter2,...parameterN) -> { function body }

Think of it as just a more compact way of writing methods.

If you want to add external variables in the lambda expression you have to create a temporary variable that is final because of how it is implemented in Java. So if you have variables w1 and w2 and want to express the function h(x) = (w1 * x) + w0, you'd have to create temporary variables to store the current value. That is:

double w1 = 0;
double w2 = 0;
// some code here //
final double w_1 = w1;
final double w_0 = w0;
HypothesisFunction h_x = (x) -> (w1 * x) + w0;

As of right now, the HypothesisFunction interface can only handle one parameter x. If you want to pass in more parameters you'd have to go to HypothesisFunction.java and change the method signature.

For example, you want to write the function (x1, x2) -> x1 + x2.

In HypothesisFunction.java, change the evaluate method to:

double evaluate(double x1, double x2);

As it is, the program is only capable of plotting graphs for univariate regression because it only plots in two dimensions.