
Airbnb REST API (Unofficial)

MIT LicenseMIT


Airbnb REST API (Unofficial)

Airbnb API for retrieving

unique accommodations from local hosts in 190 countries

Note: This is an unofficial API and not supported or controlled by Airbnb itself. Any questions, comments, feedback or feature requests should be directed to @tejas-manohar or via an issue in this repo.


Base URL: http://airbnb-api-tm.herokuapp.com/


  • loc (location)
  • in (check in)
  • out (check out)
  • ppl (guests)

Dates are in the format of MM/DD/YYYY with standard URL encoding where %2F = /

Output: JSON

GET /search

Example Query:



  "status": "success",
  "accomodations": [
      "permalink": "/rooms/3571396",
      "title": "Cozy Private Room off Charlotte !!!",
      "description": "Grace Cottage is a wonderful 1920s home situated in the beautiful town of Washington,     Arkansas.The home comfortably fits four and is located next to Historic Washington State Park. Enjoy a relaxing and restful weekend in the community of Washington.",
      "image": "https://a1.muscache.com/pictures/51710849/large.jpg",
      "visibility": "private room",
      "guests": 2,
      "bedrooms": 1,
      "beds": 1,
      "reviews": {
        "count": 11,
        "stars": 5
      "user": {
        "firstName": "Laurence",
        "userId": "17981042"