
Demonstrates how large Xcode projects can be decomposed into smaller project modules through frameworks, third party dependencies managed with Cocoaspods

Primary LanguageObjective-C

RootProject represents a top-level project, which typically is an Application or a Framework. Project 1 and Project 2 present modules.

Project 1 ands Project 2 both have their own

  • test application targets Project1 and Project2
  • unit test targets Project1Tests tests and Project2Tests
  • frameworks Project1Framework Project2Framework

We demonstrate that Cocoapods is able to help us install BOString into Project2Framework.


  • when both Project1Framework and Project2Framework both depend on the same pod, say, BOString, then BOString gets embedded into both. When the two projects are brought together RootProject depends on both Project1 and Project2, these duplicate symbols cause linker issues.