Add some cools features usefuls for FiveM in typescript.
npm install fivem-ts-tools --save
Add nothing for the moment
Don't use this one directly
protected uuidv4()
Generate a guid
protected emitPromise(eventName: string, ...args): Promise
Return a Promise from a callback of the triggered event
protected emitPromiseTimeout(eventName: string, ...args): Promise
Same as emitPromise
but with a 10 secondes timeout
public logSuccess(message: any)
Log a success message in the console with the resource name
public logError(message: any)
Log a error message in the console with the resource name
A Controller for client side
protected emitNetPromise(eventName: string, ...args): Promise
Return a Promise from a response event of the triggered net event
The server event need to listen for the response event name as a string in the first param and send a response like:
emitNet(gEventName, source, result); //everything good
emitNet(gEventName, source, null, error); //Error
A Controller for server side
protected emitNetPromise(eventName: string, playerId: string, ...args): Promise
Same as emitNetPromise
in AbstractControllerClient
, but with a target. If you send to every player, only the first one to answer will be get.
Only work for class extended from AbstractControllerClient
or AbstractControllerServer
@Controller() (Class)
Required for your Controller if you want to use other decorators
@Event(name: string) (method)
Add an event listner on the method for the event
@NetEvent(name: string) (method)
Add an event listner on the method for the net event
If on a server controller, the first param need to be the source as string
@NuiEvent(name: string) (method / client only)
Add a nui event listner on the method for the event
@OnTick() (method)
Execute the method every tick
@OnInterval(ms: number) (method)
Execute the method every ms
@Command(commandName: string, restricted: boolean (default = false)) (method)
Register the method as a command
@OnKey(mapper: string, key: string, description: string, toggle: boolean (default = true)) (method)
Execute the method on key action, more info:
if toggle is false, the param pushed
will be send to the method.
function delay(ms: number): Promise
A delay function to wait in a thread
await delay(10000); //Wait 10 secondes
function enumeratePeds(action: Function): void
Enumerate every peds load by the player and execute an action as a callback with the ped as param.