
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Infinity Party

Infinity Party allow you to create a server easily and have fun with your friends in few minutes. All party are based on a map file and easy to config, you can add different objectives and many win condition as you want. Basically, you can make some parties like:

  • Team deathmatch
  • Heist
  • Coveted
  • King of the hill
  • Hostage
  • A battle royal (With a little script in the map folder)

They're only examples, there's no limit, you can create everything as a long as this isn't a persistent mode.

I didn't create a lot of party example, but think about the potential of this Gamemode, it's the possibility for FiveM to have a lot of new NO RP servers.


Clone the repo

Copy infinity and [maps] in your resources directory

Config the map loader

In [maps]/mapLoader/config.js, you can add or remove map in map array

Config the server.cfg

You only need to start the mapLoader. So, just add this in the server.cfg: start mapLoader


  • Some improvements
  • New options (When I'll have more idea)

Possible problems

  • AI can depop if the host is spectating a player far away

For Contest judges

Thank you for giving more time, I had time to add planned features like AI, a wiki and some improvements.