
A PHP class to simplify connecting to and searching LDAP directories. (Currently only read-only.)

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense


LDAPClient is a PHP library designed to make LDAP operations easy and flexible. From basic queries to advanced LDAP functionalities, this library offers a wide range of features.


  • Simplified LDAP Connection
  • User Authentication
  • Advanced Search Queries
  • Debugging Support


composer require faulkj/ldapclient

Methods & Usage

LDAPClient Class

__construct($server, $bindDN, $pass, $baseDN, $options)

Initiate a connection to the LDAP server.

  • $server: The LDAP server URL
  • $bindDN: The DN to bind with
  • $pass: The password for binding
  • $baseDN: The base DN for the directory
  • $options: List of LDAP fields to pull. Allows for custom attribute mappings to align with the specific LDAP system you're working with.


use FaulkJ\LDAPClient

$ldap = new LDAPClient(
      "id" => "uid"


Toggle debugging output for LDAP operations. When enabled, this provides verbose output for troubleshooting.

  • $dbg: Boolean to enable or disable debugging




  • Current debug state if no parameter is provided
  • The LDAPClient object itself, allowing for method chaining, if a parameter is provided

getJSON($filter, $attr = [], $dn = false, $fullDNs = false)

Converts the search result to a JSON format.

  • $filter: LDAP filter
  • $attr: Attributes to fetch
  • $dn: Optional DN to search under
  • $resolveDNs: Whether to resolve DNs
  • $stayBound: Whether to stay bound


die($ldap->getJSON("(ou=chemist*)", ["cn", "members" => "uniquemember"], null, true));

Returns: JSON-formatted string representing the search results.

login($id, $pass, $attr)

Authenticate a user and return their attributes.

  • $id: User ID
  • $pass: Password
  • $attr: Attributes to fetch


if($user = $ldap->login("riemann", "password", ["fullname" => "cn", "mail"])) {
   echo "{$user->fullname} successfully logged in!";
else echo "Invalid username or password!";


  • User object with specified attributes if successful
  • false if authentication fails
  • null if the user is not found

member($user, $group, $options = [])

Check if a user is a member of a specific LDAP group or groups.

  • $user: The user ID to check
  • $group: Group or array of groups to check membership
  • $options: Optional array for additional attribute mappings (merges with default options)


if($ldap->member("mathematicians", "gauss", [
   "id"     => "ou",
   "member" => "uniquemember"
])) {
   echo "gauss is a mathematician!";


  • true if the user is a member
  • false if the user is not a member
  • null if the user is not found


Retrieves the photo for a specified user.



Returns: Outputs the image directly to the screen if available, a blank image if not

search($filter, $attr, $dn, $resolveDNs, $stayBound)

Perform an LDAP search.

  • $filter: LDAP filter
  • $attr: Attributes to fetch
  • $dn: Optional DN to search under
  • $resolveDNs: Whether to resolve DNs
  • $stayBound: Whether to stay bound


$res = $ldap->search(
      "members" => "uniquemember"
echo implode("\n", $res->members);


  • Array of LDAP records if multiple records are found
  • Single LDAP record if only one is found
  • null if no records are found