
MQTT client GUI to observe messages exchanged on MQTT server.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MQTT Observer

Observer app to watch messages exchanged on MQTT server.


  • To start, run python3 ./src/main.py
  • Set MQTT server host, port and root topic to subscribe.
  • Create new observations:
    • to filter out some topics
    • to filter out some messages starting with specific strings
    • to display fool topic or extracted correspondent
  • Modify topic syntax regex to extract which correspondent send or receive messages.
  • Clean wills: identify forgotten topics with remaining wills, and select wills to reset.
  • Save server and observation settings as sessions, to retrieve further.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Development is done on Windows 10 x64 computer under Visual Studio Community with Python 3.6.1 (32-bit) and PyQt5. It should run on Linux and Mac as well.


Python 3, SIP, PyQt5 and paho-mqtt packages are required:

PyQt5 and paho-mqtt installation on Windows

$ pip3 install SIP
$ pip3 install PyQt5
$ pip3 install paho-mqtt

May upgrade if already installed:

$ pip3 install SIP --upgrade
$ pip3 install PyQt5 --upgrade 
$ pip3 install paho-mqtt --upgrade
PyQt5 and paho-mqtt installation on Linux (Raspberry Pi)

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools

$ pip3 install paho-mqtt

May install Eric IDE:

$ sudo apt-get install eric



You can use lupdate.bat to update Observer.fr_FR.ts french localization file, you may create other localization files (please share them around here).

Edit and publish Observer.fr_FR.qm from QtLinguist.

We choose pyinstaller as an easy and working deployment solution:

Install pyinstaller and build

$ pip3 install pyinstaller

$ pyrcc5 src/observer.qrc -o src/observer_rc.py
$ pyinstaller -F -n mqtt-observer -i src/observer.ico -w src/main.py

You can run build.bat to automatize creation of mqtt-observer.exe file.

Known issue:

mqtt-observer.exe sometimes hangs at start, kill it and restart (running python3 ./src/main.py always work).


Run python main.py or mqtt-observer.exe (see usage below for command line options).


Command line options are possible for main.py and mqtt-observer.exe

usage: mqtt-observer.exe [-h] [-f] [-d] [-l LOGGER]
       python3 ./src/main.py [-h] [-f] [-d] [-l LOGGER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --french          run in French
  -d, --debug           set DEBUG log level
  -l LOGGER, --logger LOGGER
                        use logging config file



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


This software was created for Escape Room 2.0 project at Live Escape Grenoble, France.

Screenshots on Windows and on Raspberry Pi

Running on Windows

Running on Raspberry