
Kubernetes & Ceph & OpenShift

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Kube Magic

Bringing together KubeSpray, Ceph-Ansible and OpenShift-Ansible deploying Kubernetes.

Refer to KubeSpray, OpenShift-Ansible and Ceph-Ansible respective documentations preparing to deploy your clusters - the main purpose of this repository being to centralize every inventories involved, as well as adding third party components such as the EFK stack, integrating with Nagios based monitoring, ... or some HAProxy / Keepalived external Load Balancer serving Kubernetes API.

As an FYI, ./terraform-aws would allow you to easily bootstrap EC2 instances / VPC / SG / IAM / ELB / ... Based on Kubepsray terraform samples.

Inventories Setup

We would start by pulling upstream repositories:

$ make init

We now have the following Ansible inventories:

  • custom/hosts, variables in custom/group_vars, with hosts and settings specific to this repository
  • kubespray/inventory/utgb/hosts.yml and kubespray/inventory/utgb/group_vars, for everything specific to KubeSpray
  • Ceph-Ansible specifics would be in ceph-ansible/hosts and ceph-ansible/group_vars
  • OpenShift would be deployed using openshift-ansible/hosts and openshift-ansible/group_vars.

Depending on what you would want to setup, we would patch the corresponding inventories, listing servers the servers we would deploy to, and Ansible variables setting the specifics for our cluster, such as domain names, proxies, DNS, NTP configuration, ... Or in the case of OpenShift: LDAP authentication.

Note: the kubespray.rpi folder includes inventories deploying Kubernetes on Raspberry 3 & 4 (armv7). Requires 64b on masters, raspbian works perfectly. kubespray.aws comes from another deployment (1.20), testing/lab on AWS.



If you intend to use Ceph, we would first deploying that cluster.

Having customized your inventories, we would run:

$ make deploy-ceph

Note: running on ARM, we should pull different images, ... see examples/ceph-csi-arm for a sample working on Raspberry PI. Also note that arm64 is mandatory for rbdplugin mapper to work. And that Raspbian does not provide with rbd kernel modules: rbd-nbd should be used instead.


Then prepare for KubeSpray deployment, setting up External LoadBalancers, proper Ceph repository, preparing a RBD pool, initializing Ansible variables for Kubernetes to authenticate againt Ceph, ... using:

$ make prep-hosts

Then proceed with Kubespray deployment:

$ make deploy-kube


Dealing with OpenShift, we would deploy our cluster:

$ make deploy-openshift

Post Kubernetes/OpenShift Deployment

Setting up Nagios monitoring, backups, or OpenShift persistent storage and LDAP Groups sync, we would then use:

$ make deploy-post

Eventually, we may deploy additional components, such as:

  • Logging stack: make deploy-logging (kubespray/openshift)
  • Monitoring stack: make deploy-prometheus (kubespray/openshift)
  • Tekton: make deploy-tekton (kubespray -- WARNING: some manual fix required afterwards)

Alternatively, deploying Prometheus on Kubernetes can be done using: https://github.com/Worteks/k8s-prometheus - which includes ARM support, missing from kube-state-metrics, as shipped by roles in the playbooks we have here.

Deploying Kubespray, if you choosed not to deploy one of their supported ingress controller, you may go with Traefik - see samples in examples/traefik.

EFK on Kubernetes

Note that deploying the logging stack on Kubernetes, you will then have to connect Kibana, go to Settings, Kibana / Index Patterns, close the div on the right side, as it hides the Create Index Pattern button.

As a pattern, we would enter logstash-*, confirm. The more we would wait before doing so, the more fields we would discover. A few to look for would be kuberenetes.container.*, kubernetes.labels.* or SYSLOG_FACILITY.



The first inconsistency I would find, comparing with OpenShift, is that I can not run Buildah on unprivileged containers, building my images. Using either the default or VFS drivers (the latter did help in OCP), which gives different error messages.

As far as I understand, this would have to do with Apparmor being enabled on my (Debian buster) nodes. Build fails with a permission denied, writing on some emptyDir.

Allowing my tekton ServiceAccount to run privileged pod, buildah builds do work as intended. An to be fair, even openshift tektoncd samples would run those as root - as reported, openshift/pipelines-catalog#17 . Quite a shame, considering that unprivileged capbility is one of the main argument buildah has -- and it's either poorly performing, or not at all ...

Another issue we would encounter with Buildah alongside Containerd, is due to some wrong metadata dealing with compressed images. Though that bug was allegedly fixed, latest images still randomly reproduce the issue (not all of them affected). This could be fixed disabling compression pushing images - which is definitely not a good solution, though at least it works.

containers/buildah#1589 (comment) containers/buildah#1589 (comment) https://www.mankier.com/1/buildah-push#--disable-compression

In some case, disabling compression did not fix. Noticing the remaining deployments all used images builds on top of other custom images (eg: apache -> php -> whitepages), I tried to manually pull base images, which fixed ... A better solution would then to add some extra option to buildah (not required on OpenShift, unclear wtf)

containers/image#733 (comment)

Overall: quite disappointed by Buildah on Kubernetes - while, to be frank, it was not that great on OpenShift either. Doc's accurate. Does what's advertised. Builder ships with arm64 images: same confs work on RPI, and x86.

UPDATE: ... While those comments are quite old: as a follow-up, today using Kaniko, which is great, despite requiring root.

CephFS Provisioner

Currently running version 1.2.2 of the cephfs-provisioner, I noticed that PVC deletion may never complete. While the PVC itself is indeed deleted, the Secret that was created accessing our Volume would remain in our Namespace. The Persistent Volume object would remain in a Released state, despite my StorageClass reclaimPolicy being set to Delete. Both of which would prevent re-creating a PVC you would have deleted.


The cert-manager operator does not work, as deployed by kube-spray (master branch, I should have picked a release first, ...). Looks like we're in between two API versions, the operator is lacking permissions over the objects it wants to use. If I fix RBAC, the the api server refuses the objects created by the operator. The operator image is most definitely wrong, in relation to the RBAC/CRD configuration loaded by kube-spray.

More recently, I did apply an officiel release of cert-manager: I have each CRD twice (in cert-manager.io & certmanager.k8s.io). Though it works perfectly.

ETCd Quotas

While first deploying kubernetes using those playbooks, I made a mistake in setting etcd_quota_backend_bytes to 20Mi, instead of 20Gi. Realizing this, I corrected the /etc/etcd.env on two out of three masters, leaving the last one intact, to see what would happend.

About 5 days after initial deployment, while porting an OCP operator to work in vanilla k8s (lots of objects creation/updates/deletion and do-overs, ...), I eventually reached a point where any kubectl command that might have written something into etcd would fail. In most case, the associated error message would be clear enough, including something like mvcc: database space exceeded.

Empirically, we can see that having all three members healthy, yet only one of them reaching its quota, would result in an alarm being set for the whole cluster.

Querying etcd cluster status, we can see all members are here. A column mentions some 20MB, matching my initial quota.

. /etc/etcd.env
ENDPOINTS=$(echo $ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER | sed  -e 's|etcd[0-9]=||g' -e 's|2380|2379|g')
    --cacert=$ETCDCTL_CA_FILE --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS endpoint status

We could try compating our database, keeping in mind this process should run in background, so don't hope too much out of this:

    --cacert=$ETCDCTL_CA_FILE --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS endpoint status \
    --write-out="json" | egrep -o '"revision":[0-9]*' | egrep -o '[0-9].*'
    --cacert=$ETCDCTL_CA_FILE --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS compact <revision-number>

While compaction did not help, I eventually went with defrag, which did:

    --cacert=$ETCDCTL_CA_FILE --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS defrag

Then, do not forget to clear the alarm:

    --cacert=$ETCDCTL_CA_FILE --endpoints=$ENDPOINTS alarm disable

Note that while, at that stage, etcd logs would confirm there is no more quota issue, we may want to restart the whole cluster, forcing all components to acknowledge this -- I could not kubectl exec, logs, ... restarting a pod ended up in one being stuck in "terminating" while the other in "containercreating", ... situation was quite fucked up.

At which point, I would argue there's no "right" value to pass that etcd_quota_backend_bytes variable. It would probably be safer to leave it undefined and use a dedicated logical volume hosting etcd data - maybe with asymetrical capacities, making sure they would not get full all at once, and keeping some space available in the parent volume group, which could fasten recovery, especially if not everyone in your team knows about etcd operations.

Pulling Container Images from Insecure Registries

Using containerd runtime, it is not yet possible to pull images from an insecure registry, unless we have some CA to trust on Kubernetes hosts. Such registry would remain usable with Tekton and Buildah, though we would not be able to run containers out of it.

Feature has been added to containerd 1.4.0-beta.0, kube-spray currently ships with 1.2.13-2 on Debian buster.

In the meantime, when self-signing certificates without a CA, or no way to easily trust new CAs into Kubernetes hosts (eg: operator), then http registries could still be used.

UPDATE: fixed in package, and can be configured in kubespray inventory

Containerd Snapshots

Seen disk usage grow over time on a given node. After 9 months, /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs was using >30G. To clean it up:

# systemctl stop kubelet
# crictl pods | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | xargs crictl stopp
# crictl pods | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | xargs crictl rmp
# crictl ps -a | awk 'NR>1{print $1}' | xargs crictl rm -f
# systemctl stop containerd
# rm -fr /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.metadata.v1.bolt/*
# rm -fr /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs/*
# reboot

Re-Deploying Nodes

After suffering a disk loss, I had to redeploy a master node. This can be done with the following playbook, having edited your inventory, such as the faulty nodes are part of some broken_xxx hostgroup:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/my/hosts.yml -l etcd,kube-master \
    -e etcd_retries=300 recover-control-plane.yml

Playbook crashed, while dealing with add-ons. I decided to comment them all out from Ansible group vars, then re-applied the cluster deployment playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/my/hosts.yml -l etcd,kube-master cluster.yml

Everything went fine, though I still had a regular worker to re-deploy, and decided to use the scale-out playbook, while re-using the same node name:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/my/hosts.yml scale.yml

Outage dit not affect API services and cluster in general, the rest of the nodes kept running perfectly fine.

Upgrading Cluster

There's two kind of upgrades we could apply to a cluster deployed with Kubespray:

  • upgrading Kubernetes
  • upgrading Kubepsray

Either way, there is an upgrade path to follow. For Kubernetes, starting with 1.x going to the last 1.z, we would have to go through some 1.y. In my case, starting from 1.18.3, going to 1.20, I would have to apply a 1.19 in the way. Re-apply the Kubespray cluster upgrade playbook going from one kube_version to the next.

And upgrading Kubernetes would usually imply updating the Kubepsray playbooks managing your cluster - at the very least, getting the right default image versions, checksums or deployment configurations for calico, containerd, ... depending on the Kubernetes version we're upgrading to. As for Kubernetes, Kubespray has an upgrade path we should follow: each tag should be applied one after the other (v2.14.0, v2.14.1, v2.14.2, ...). And if, as me, you started deploying from the master branch: first, we have to guess which tag to start with ...

Keeping it simple, stick to the default kube_version shipping with Kubespray, and apply the upgrade playbook for each tag until you reach the right Kubernetes version. Otherwise, make sure your kube_version is listed in the download defaults: roles/download/defaults/main.yml.

Upgrading Kubespray, we also have to check the diffs between current and target version copies of inventory/sample, look into the new variables that were introduced, some that could have changed or others that may have gone away. Having updated your inventory, make sure your nodes are all healthy. Make sure no PodDisruptionBudget could prevent a node from being drained. Then apply the upgrade playbook:

$ git checkout v2.14.0
$ git diff <oldtag>..v2.14.0 inventory/sample
$ vi inventory/<mine>/xxx [ update your inventory ]
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/my/hosts.yml upgrade-cluster.yml
$ git checkout v2.14.1
$ git diff v2.14.0..v2.14.1 inventory/sample
$ vi inventory/<mine>/yyy
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/my/hosts.yml upgrade-cluster.yml
$ git checkout v2.14.2
[ repeat ]

The upgrade process would run some checks, pre-download images and some assets, then eventually start upgrading etcd, then drain and upgrade your masters one after the other. After the first master was upgraded, parts of Kubernetes Apps also are (CSI & RBAC, ...). After all masters were upgraded, the SDN would be upgraded on all nodes (two by two). Then, the remaining nodes would be upgraded as well. Goes through the apps again, updating CoreDS, the metrics server, ...

In the end, I could not see any API failure. Which is kind of amazing, knowing how painful OpenShift 4 upgrades can be, in terms of SDN components restarting, API being unavailable, unless that's the OAuth operator that's being redeployed or the nodes rebooting, ... The process took a little under two hours applying a new version on 10 nodes. Draining and restarting Pods being quite slow, don't hesitate to shut down useless deployments or lower the amount of replicas whenever possible, before going through an upgrade. Pro-tip: marking a node unschedulable before its being processed by Ansible would skip the draining steps. One may also want to disable a few apps deployment in Kubespray, in order to skip those tasks as well. Eg: only re-deploy the registry and ingress controllers during your last upgrade (or manually, later on).

UPDATE: we don't actually need to apply each kubespray tag. Instead, we should make sure to go through each minor: we can skip patches.

UPDATE: kubespray 2.18.2 misses some arm64 assets (fixed in 2.19.0). While 2.18.2 also introduces a broken apparmor detection, which is still an issue in last masters (post 2.21), PR submitted. 2.20.0 upgrade with calico required defining a new default/not documented. nobody's prefect. kubespray remains quite reliable.

Recovering from Expired API Certificates

Kubespray playbooks were unable to rotate certificates on a cluster whose current certificates were expired. In such case, we may regenerate some of those certs manually, to recover API. Connecting to one of your master nodes:

$ ssh root@master1
# cd /etc/kubernetes/ssl
# kubeadm certs renew apiserver
# kubeadm crets renew apiserver-kubelet-client
# kubeadm certs renew front-proxy-client
# scp -p apiserver.* apiserver-kubelet-client.* front-proxy-client.* master2:`pwd`/
# scp -p apiserver.* apiserver-kubelet-client.* front-proxy-client.* master3:`pwd`/

You may also have to generate a new admin kubeconfig:

# kubeadm kubeconfig user --client-name kubernetes-admin \
    --config=/etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-config.yaml \
    --org system:masters >/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
# scp -p /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf master2:/etc/kubernetes/
# scp -p /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf master3:/etc/kubernetes/

Then, on all master nodes, we'll restat kubernetes apiserver:

crictl ps | grep apiserver

crictl stop

crictl rm