
An Amber Framework recipe using Vue.js

Primary LanguageCrystal

Amber + Vue


A SPA (Single Page Application) recipe using Vue.js and Amber Framework.

amber new app -r https://codeload.github.com/faustinoaq/vue-amber-recipe/zip/0.0.1
cd app
amber g scaffold Category title:string
amber g scaffold Product title:string description:text category:reference
amber g scaffold Comment body:text product:reference


  • This recipe generates models with Granite ORM only.
  • Vue generated templates use Pug language.


To run the test suite:

crystal spec


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/faustinoaq/fake_app/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch ( git checkout -b my-new-feature )
  3. Commit your changes ( git commit -am 'Add some feature' )
  4. Push to the branch ( git push origin my-new-feature )
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • faustinoaq Faustino Aguilar - creator, maintainer