
Clarification about schematic and Receptive field calculation?

sagarhukkire opened this issue · 16 comments

Hi @faustomilletari

I was going through schematics and pototxt file. Please correct me if I am wrong

Input volume 128 x 128 x 64 with 1 channel

  1. VNet uses 16 convolution filter with 5 x 5 x 5 , to get original volume there is padding of zeros with size 2 ,totally fine . Then sub sampling of 2 x 2 x 2 ,then volume size to next stage is 64 x 64 x 32

  2. Here VNet uses 32 channels again same size of kernel in figure you showed two convolution layer are they 32 channels with kernel size 5 x 5 x 5, 2 times convolution layer ?
    screenshot from 2017-03-31 08-56-48

  3. if it is then for next stage 64 channels for 3 times right?

now important thing how you calculate receptive size , you can explain one of them so I will clear myself remaining. I am confused do I consider kernel size or theoretical size 3 x 3 x 3
screenshot from 2017-03-31 08-58-42

Thanks for VNet its indeed great working !!


wxde commented

hi Sagar
how do you make the dataset sed you network?


link for receptive field calculation ? I followed many articles like dilated convolution and all but no way I can get same numbers as your papers?

So it will be great if you just give me one explanation at any stage then I can figure out remaining calculation for receptive field



  1. Which kind of images you have ,I mean medical or something else?
  1. If medical then I recommend you to use MITK or any tool(MITK ) is great, save image and label (its image with area of body organ)
  2. Either save it in .mhd format as Fausto said, since VNET uses sitk ,so either .mhd or .nrrd(i work with .nrrd) both are fine

all the best

wxde commented

my 3D images is medical dataset , how to sent the .mhd farmat to vnet model?
from xu

wxde commented

I am glad to heard from you ,your reply is so detail , thank you very much
from wxde


I got it in another paper where Author has cited Vnet ..haha its nice to understand. Yes its block wise

Hi @sagarhukkire , were you able to obtain the same receptive field in the upsampling (deconvolutions) path? So far I have only been able to obtain the receptive field in the downsampling path..., I can't obtain the 476 in the R-stage 4

Thanks @sagarhukkire !
I was able to reproduce the receptive field in the paper, I made a small script , I will share it later so other people struggling can use it.