- adam-gruerEPA Victoria
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- alexpghayesmadison, wi
- arboreus
- Edouard-LegoupilUNHCR
- enigmoe@journocode
- gtm19London, UK
- happma
- holnburger
- jawadmiyan
- jg-bernard
- jimjam-slam@360-info
- jobreuGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- JohnCoene@devOpifex
- JuKo007@gesiscss
- julianlangerDepartment of Economics, UZH
- laz08
- ljcollingUniversity of Cambridge
- lorestaccoUniversity of Florence
- mattmotyl@openmindplatform
- mkolczynska
- moldachAmaris Consulting
- peterdalleSweden
- robertkckTeach for Austria
- sadettindemirelUskudar University
- santiagomotaFreelance
- saschagobelHertie School
- sonoshah@pewresearch
- StraubingerCity of Copenhagen
- StudentenfutterCologne, DE
- systatsUniversity of Konstanz
- tapanyemreNortheastern University
- turgut090The Matrix
- TysonStanleyUtah
- vincent27hugh
- yani-rivera